
Community-maintained schemas for Cytoid-related JSON files

Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


Community-maintained schemas for Cytoid-related JSON files

How to use

  1. Use a compatible editor. Visual Studio Code is recommended.
  2. Add a line to the head of your JSON file:
  "$schema": "https://url/to/schema",
  "other_things": "go_here"
  1. Enjoy the auto-completion!

Well not really. What JSON Schema can provide is actually very restricted. If you use a better tool, continue using it! This schema is to help you to write correct Cytoid-specific JSON files by hand.


NOTE: Minimal version is preferred. It has smaller file size and makes computers smile.


Version GitHub Gitee (mirror)
2.0 (Draft) raw min raw min


Version GitHub Gitee (mirror)
2.0 (Draft) raw min raw min


  • Complete the schemas.
  • Complete integrated documentation, default values and more.
  • Style the schemas using Prettier rather than the formatter included in Visual Studio Code.
  • Publish the first release!
  • Implement JSON Schema draft 2019-09 (after Visual Studio Code fully supports it).


For your convenience, the schemas are in public domain, under CC0-1.0. However, we still hope you to credit us in the description of your level!