
Coding challenge, a part of the interview process for RDX.

Primary LanguageSwift


Coding challenge, a part of the interview process for RDX.

First things first

It was a fun challenge 🎉

Initially, I’ve been a bit sceptical about the tight timeframe, and the fact that I have never used the Composable Navigation before (it wasn't even released to the main branch yet), but the fact that it introduced the solution to work with the NavigationStack (which is a super nice API) comforted me a bit, so I decided to take the challenge.

How did I do?

As you suggested, I spent 5 hrs working on the solution. Well, obviously, I familiarized myself briefly with the spec, the domain and the prerelease/1.0 branch the day before 🤓

Obviously, the app has a bunch of issues at the moment, but I decided to stop coding here and only mention some of them:

  • I forgot about the last name in the Main module
  • All the logic related to the sign in and out could have been extracted to a dedicated reducer
  • Each onboarding step could have been placed in it's own module
  • There are some typos here and there
  • At the end of the day I refactored .fireAndForget into .run effects, but forgot about cancellation…
  • ProviderToStateReducer is likely a mild overengineering
  • Some structs can be simplified to enums
  • There is a duplication in onboarding steps - most of them can be generalized into some bindable state + validation (in a shape of the current isNextButtonDisabled)
  • No tests (well, four that I added are a drop in the ocean)
  • Tests were the only bonus that I aimed for in given time frame

Looking forward to your feedback and the next interview stage 🤷🏼‍♂️

Yours, Maciek.