
This repository contains the coding challenge for the application for an Android software engineer role at Adyen.

Primary LanguageKotlin

Adyen Android Assignment

This repository contains the coding challenge for candidates applying for an Android role at Adyen.

Your task is to implement a small app using the Foursquare Places API that shows a list of venues around the user’s location. Decide yourself which venue details should be relevant to the user. You have full freedom on how to present data on screen. We've already added some code to make it a bit easier for you, but you are free to change any part of it. We are going to check your implementation for understanding Android specifics (like handling configuration changes), UX choices, and overall architecture. You are free to add any feature or code you want, but we also value quality over quantity, so whatever you decide to do, try to show us your best.


Add your Foursquare client ID and secret to local.gradle. See local.gradle.example for details. Tip: You can verify your credentials with src/test/java/com/adyen/android/assignment/PlacesUnitTest.kt

Minimal requirements:

  • Implement permission handling
  • Show a list of venues based on the current location
  • Apply best practices to handle configuration changes

Libraries used and things done:

  • MVVM architecture
  • Hilt for dependency injection
  • Retrofit and OkHttp for network call
  • Android Navigation Component and safe args for smooth navigation
  • Coroutines Flow to handle network calls
  • JUnit and Mockito for testing
  • Error handling
  • Device network state handled
  • Configuration changes