
online shop with admin dashboard - TypeScript React FE with Node.js BE and postgres

Primary LanguageTypeScript

McLaren Merch Store with admin dashboard

🟣 Quick start

  1. Install dependecies

    • use "pnpm install"

    Use "npm run dev" both in web and server folder to run frontend and backend

    For list of installed packages see dependencies and devDependencies in package.json .

  2. Install your database

    • use migration and seed to set up tables for your own postgres database
    • use seed to populate your database with demo data
    • you can run "npm run" command on these:
      • migate - creates the database
      • seed - populates the database with mock data
      • resetdb - runs migrate and seed in sequence
  3. Start using the web

    You can either use the frontend to shop or go to /admin to log in as admin

    Please keep in mind that seed data has hardcoded timestamps. Selective dashboard functions relying on time - such as the current month revenue - might not show the data appropriately unless you adjust the seed data or make your own.