
2D C++ game engine for Linux built on Allegro5

Primary LanguageC++

=== FlatCore ===

FlatCore is a 2D game engine written in C++ for linux built upon the Allegro5 library.

== Basic FlatCore Objects ==

Drawable: Anything that can be drawn to the screen

Tangible: Anything Drawable object that can collide with objects

Sprite: Anything Tangible that can posess a velocity.

=== Contributing to FlatCore ===

You are absolutely welcome to fork and make changes to FlatCore.

Some coding standards I try to stick to, I'd really appreciate it.

1. Set your editor to emit 2 spaces instead of tabs //see if you can find THAT fun commit

2. Ignore rule 1 when editing the makefile. I like it when it works.

3. The open bracket goes on it's own line.

4. always bracket your blocks. Even and especially single lines.

5. ALLEGRO_OBJECTS, FlatCoreClass, flatcore_variable.