
Primary LanguageRust



  1. Clone it.
    git clone git@gitlab.math.univ-paris-diderot.fr:ranadeep/dbcop.git
  1. Compile and install using cargo and run. Make sure ~/.cargo/bin is in your system path.
    cd dbcop
    dbcop install --path .
    dbcop --help

There are a few docker-compose files in docker directory to create docker cluster.

The workflow goes like this,

  1. Generate a bunch of histories to execute on a database.
  2. Execute those histories on a database using provided traits. (see in examples).
  3. Verify the executed histories for --cc(causal consistency), --si(snapshot isolation), --ser(serialization).

Build on Ubuntu 22.04

# 0. clone this repo and init sub modules

# 1. install dependencies, including rust, cargo >= 1.70.0, libssl-dev, docker-compose

# 2. build and start docker service of postgres
docker-compose up -d -f docker/postgres/docker-compose.yml
# the above command could not be parsed correctly, so the below command was used instead 
# (-f means --file, -d is an option for up)
sudo docker-compose -f docker/postgres/docker-compose.yml up -d

# 3. build dbcop
cargo build --release
# There's an inherent bug in Cargo.toml, that is package funty@1.2.0 was not supported any more, a solution was found in https://stackoverflow.com/questions/74556708/internal-dependency-issue-in-rust, and Cargo.toml was updated.

Dbcop is used to generate histories. For example:

# generated histories are stored in /tmp/hist
# see 'dbcop genrate --help' and 'dbcop run --help'
cd dbcop
# generate a history constrainted by UniqueValue
./target/release/dbcop generate -d /tmp/gen -e 2 -n 10 -t 3 -v 2 # arg --key-distrib [uniform | zipf | hotspot] is acceptable, default uniform
# generate a history in which values may repeat
./target/release/dbcop generate -d /tmp/gen -e 2 -n 8 -t 4 -v 3 -r 0.5

./target/release/dbcop run -d /tmp/gen/ --db postgres-ser -o /tmp/hist

# print a history
./target/release/dbcop print -d /tmp/hist/hist-00000/