
Project number 2 for BVU VR class.


Project number 2 for BVU VR class.

Your task will be to program a VR Dodgeball game. It should meet the following criteria.

The viewpoint should be first person. You (the player) should be on one side of an arena. At least two or three other 3rd-person computer-controlled non-player characters (NPC) should be on the other side of the arena. There should be a clear delineation between your side of the arena and the NPC's side. Neither should be able to cross to the other side of the arena. There should be balls or some other throwable objects that can be grasped and thrown using the Oculus Touch controllers. Unlike regular dodgeball, you must hit an NPC three times before they are out. Also, you must be hit three times before you are out. NPCs can run around, but you (the player) will move via teleportation. Teleportation should be initiated using the Touch controllers. The game should end when either you (the player) have been hit three times or all of the NPCs have been eliminated. There should be a game-end screen that clearly indicates this. You may wish to consider using a separate Unity scene to do this, but you don't necessarily need to accomplish this requirement in that way. The game-end screen does not need to allow you to restart a new game, but you can if you wish. One member of your team will submit your code through Canvas. The submission should include a comment with the names of all the programmers on your team. You will also demo your efforts to the instructor during class.

Colby Snyder // Jack Fordyce