Python Taster MSSL Session 2019
Total Time of Installation: ~ 5 minutes
Instructions Based on Refer there if any issues arise.
We will allow some minutes at the start of the workshop to fix any issues, too.
How-to get ready:
0 - If you have Miniconda installed on your system, run:
conda install anaconda
This should fix all compatibility issues
1 - Anaconda version of Python 3:
Download the Python 3.7 version corresponding to your system.
We encourage the use of the .pkg file if on macOS, or the .exe on Windows.
Run the installer with the default values or select a different
installation directory if preferred
If on Linux (no explicit installer), or wanting to use the .sh file,
run the .sh script via opening a console, changing into the directory
of the downloaded file and run "bash "filename".sh",
it will then prompt you to accept terms and conditions,
and allow you to type a location for the installation (choose wisely!)
Once Installed, open a new terminal, now running:
conda list
should return a list of packages that come with Anaconda, including Python.
2 - Getting Python Package Sources:
Getting packages that are stored in either the Anaconda or Python library is easy,
we just need to do the following on a Terminal:
i/ Add the repository where the packages are contained:
conda config --append channels conda-forge
ii/ Now we can install any packages we require by using this type of expression:
Note: It is more efficient to install multiple packages at once!
3- Installing the Packages:
The packages which we need for the tutorial are the following:
- scipy
- numpy
- matplotlib
- sunpy
- astropy
So we may run the following command:
conda install scipy numpy matplotlib sunpy astropy
And be ready for the tutorial!
4 - Checking our setup:
The last thing to get ready is to run "idle3" in our console, and write
in the following commands:
And it should come up with some information about the package contents
If any issues arise, check that you have installed the proper packages
if it still does not work, contact either of us.
5 - Getting started Early:
If you do have some time prior to the session, the tutorial made by
the guys from openastronomy is pretty good,
do remember to use the instructor version, as it contains all the info!
6 - Getting Help:
Generally, the best approach to a high-level issue with Python or any of
its packages is to search for our specific issue: Many packages have
error messages that will hopefully help when figuring out what to do to
fix the current issue!
7 - Some of the exercises have two variants to get the user accustomed to different syntax in Python and learn about other packages which may come in handy.
8 - Conversion: Guide on how to translate IDL conditionals to Python: