
Betty is my personal bot assistant on Discord. Betty is timezone aware and contains functionality that can help server owners to manage their server and community.

Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Betty is my personal bot assistant on Discord. Betty is timezone aware and contains functionality that can help server owners to manage their server.


Betty is a discord bot designed as an aid for international gaming communities. As such, Betty has the following features:

Commands for Public
ping: Returns a pong. Use this to test if Betty is online.

Commands for Members
time (12 hour time) (utc | local): Returns a table with given time in either local or utc time, expressed in all relevant timezones. If no time was provided, Betty will use the current time.
example: $time 7 pm
plan [DD:MM:YYYY] [12 hour time] [name]: Plans an event at the given date and time in your local timezone. Betty will give notifications 2 hours before the event, 30 minutes before the event and at the start of the event.
example: $plan 05:09:2019 8:30pm Weekly minigame event
cancel [name]: Cancels event with given name. No more notifications will be sent for event with given name.
example: $cancel Weekly minigame event
get events (all | first): Returns events that correspond to given parameter.

Commands for Admin
app start [date] [12 hour time] Starts applications until given deadline. Creates a channel and an invite.
app stop Removes the applications channel and deletes the invite. Be careful when using this command as there is no way to get the messages in the applications chat back.

get state returns all information that Betty knows about this guild.
get language returns information about languages for this guild.

set language [language] sets language to given language.
set public Sets the channel of execution as the public channel.
set notification Sets the channel of execution as the notification channel.
set timezones Creates/Updates the timezone roles in this discord.

Other commands
set permission [mention role/user] [permission] Changes the permission of given role/user. The caller needs to have a higher permission than the user/role and the desired permission.
There are currently 4 permissions: Public, Member, Admin and Owner. Only Admins and Owners can make people Members and only Owners can make people Admins.

Message analysis
Betty will actively search for time indications in messages and translate them accordingly. So if you write $7:00pm in the middle of a sentence like this, Betty will notice that.


This project depends on:

  • Discord.Net: The .NET interface with the Discord API.
  • timezoneconverter: An OS independent library for reliable timezone conversion and naming.

Note before use

This repo comes with a release that can be run independently on a raspberry pi. If you want to use Betty on a different platform, you can create your own standalone app using the dotnet publish command