
Username less and password less login for umbraco backoffice using fido

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Our.Umbraco.Passless - Passwordless login for Umbraco

Package NuGet
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Passwordless login for Umbraco using FIDO2. Main implementation based on Fido2-net-lib a great implementation for any potential FIDO server.

Getting started

When you've installed and configured the package, log into the backffice, press your user icon in the top right corner and click Manage Fido Devices to add new devices.


  • Passwordless login to the umbraco backoffice.
  • Register multiple Authenticators to your user
  • Platform (Windows hello etc) And Cross Platform (Android/Iphone via passkeys, YubiKey etc) Authenticators supported.
  • Forgot password registers new authenticator

Planned features

  • Passwordless login for members.
  • Better configuration for consumers
  • Umbraco 9 Support. This might take longer as the .net 5 version of fido2.net lib is quite outdated.

Known issues

  • The "Remember last authenticator" checkbox works poorly with passkeys, not sure if it can be helped?


Use nuget to install Our.Umbraco.Passless

Install-Package Our.Umbraco.Passless


You need to add these settings to your appsettings.config

 "Passless": {
   "DenyLocalLogin": true,//Optional, removes password login, defaults to false
   "UseUmbracoDb" : true, //Optional
   "fido2": {
     "serverName": "{your server name}",
     "serverDomain": "{YOUR DOMAIN}",
     "origins": [ "{YOUR ORIGIN}" ],
     "timestampDriftTolerance": {drifttollerance in ms}

For example:

"Passless": {
   "fido2": {
     "serverName": "Passless",
     "serverDomain": "localhost",
     "origins": [ "https://localhost:44351" ],
     "timestampDriftTolerance": 300000

Use Umbraco DB

The UseUmbracoDB toggles whether we register our implementation of IFidoCredentialRepository and runs the migration adding the credentials table to the current umbraco database.

Set this to false, and register your own implementation if you want to use a different database for the users credentials.


The frontend is built using node 16 Navigate to src/Our.Umbraco.Passless/UI and run the following commands:

npm i
npm run build:dev
npm run dev

Now you're ready to work on the frontend.

NOTE: the output is overwritten when building / debugging the website, run above commands after starting the build

Use the following command to generate a production-ready build:

npm run build

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