
Error message

Closed this issue · 1 comments


I'm trying to process attached .ged file
with 'python gedcom-to-map.py test.ged test.kml -noheatmap'. I'm getting this error message:

'Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/Frank/Documents/GitHub/gedcom-to-visualmap/gedcom-to-map/gedcom-to-map.py", line 73, in
File "/Users/Frank/Documents/GitHub/gedcom-to-visualmap/gedcom-to-map/gedcomvisual.py", line 67, in Geoheatmap
humans = ParseAndGPS(gOp)
File "/Users/Frank/Documents/GitHub/gedcom-to-visualmap/gedcom-to-map/gedcomvisual.py", line 108, in ParseAndGPS
File "/Users/Frank/Documents/GitHub/gedcom-to-visualmap/gedcom-to-map/kml/gpslookup.py", line 166, in saveAddressCache
for a in range(0,len(self.addresslist)):
TypeError: object of type 'NoneType' has no len()'

Can you help me? Thanks in advance


Sorry for not getting back to you quicker. I never noticed that I had people looking at the project. Never had watcherers or Stars before. Never tried running on a MAC. Let's see what we got. There is nothing like coming back to code you created a while and ago and thinking... this is bad code...

Interesting, I don't have foreign or unicode characters in my addresses.

Somewhere along the way, I never tested without a cache file.

Okay, changed made... And merged in your changes and release 0.1.1

The GUI is a work in process, as you noticed.

Give that a looked interesting on google maps. I prefer the HTML version, but both have +/-
