
Text mode with 256-color terminal color sequence handling

Primary LanguageVim Script


Dumb terminal-escapes-to-colors text syntax for Vim.


If you don't already use an add-on manager for Vim, you really should. I prefer Vundle, but lots of people seem to like Pathogen. Vim Addon Manager (VAM), has a good comparison of vim addon managers (search for VAM-comparison).

With Vundle, add: Bundle 'benizi/vim-txt-256color' wherever you manage your Bundle commands.


You can set: g:txt_256color_settings to a truthy value (e.g. 1) to set up conceal-related settings.


Already, I've got two TODO items:

  • Currently, you have to set this filetype manually.

      :se ft=txt-256color
  • It's not quite set up the way you're supposed to set up a filetype plugin. (doesn't check for existing syntax, etc.). Since it has to be done manually anyway, presumably you want the syntax highlighting.