ODE D bindings -------------- Version: 0.12 The Open Dynamics Engine (ODE) is a physics engine in C/C++. Its two main components are a rigid body dynamics simulation engine and a collision detection engine. It is free software licensed both under the BSD license and the LGPL. ODE was started in 2001 and has already been used in many applications and games, such as BloodRayne 2, Call of Juarez, S.T.A.L.K.E.R, Titan Quest, World of Goo, X-Moto and OpenSimulator. License: dual licensed under the LGPL and BSD licenses: http://www.ode.org/ode-license.html Plain C header port by Daniel "q66" Kolesa <quaker66@gmail.com>. Original comments kept intact, sometimes with snippets of C code, possible DDoc conversion. C headers available in the c/ directory.