
All minor issues I've faced and their solutions

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All minor issues I've faced and their solutions. Also contains things that I usually forget.


To select Device automatically

DEVICE = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"

TQDM iteration prints on new line. To fix this change the import statement to

from tqdm.auto import tqdm


To change figure size

fig = plt.figure(figsize(width, height))

Subplots, axis removal, title, plotting

fig.add_subplot(MAX_ROWS, MAX_COLUMNS, index)
plt.title("Title for the subplot")


To download dataset onto colab follow the steps given below :

  1. Go to your kaggle account and click on the create new API token button and save the kaggle.json file created. create API token image

  2. Run the code given below in a cell on your notebook and upload the kaggle.json file when promted to.

!pip install -q kaggle

from google.colab import files

!mkdir ~/.kaggle
!cp kaggle.json ~/.kaggle/
!chmod 600 ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json

# dataset-link example : dhruvildave/spotify-charts
!kaggle datasets download -d <dataset-link>
!unzip dataset.zip -d dataset