
The design is done for the Analog IC Design Hackathon, that was made possible due to the collaboration of VSD, IIT Hyderabad and Synopsys India. The design I have chosen has two components, one a voltage reference circuit and another a general purpose two stage opamp. The design was created and analyzed using synopsys custom design suite.

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Two stage Operational Amplifier with Voltage Reference Circuit

The project is focused on the creation of an Operational Amplifier with it's own Voltage reference circuit to bias it. The design is based on the 28nm iPDK from SYNOPSYS and hence, is done on it's custom design suite.

Table of Contents


Operational amplifier (Op-Amp) circuits are the most important and essential building blocks in the design of different high precision analog and mixed signal blocks, where the performance is directly dependent to how good your op-amp is. These op-amp circuits have substituted the conventional solid state analog control systems used in industrial applications. With the advent of newer and shrinking device technologies these circuits have become popular and are almost used in implementation of various analog systems, analog to digital converter circuits, digital to analog converter circuits, analog instrumentation design, analog computation and performing the tasks such as higher order active filtering of signals, amplification of signal voltages, signal transduction and ultra high speed conversion of signals. General purpose op-amp circuits are used to realize circuits such as differentiators, high speed comparator circuits, clippers, clampers, antilog and log amplifier circuits, integrators, various waveform generation, addition of analog input signals, buffering of signals, sample and hold circuits, negative impedance converters, differential amplifiers, inverting and non-inverting amplifiers regulated power supplies and many other applications.

For Biasing an Op-amp, we need to create a constant refence current that is capable of withstanding the variations in the supply(practically also temperature). That is why the design also includes a Beta Multiplier Current Refernce Circuit(BMCR), that produces the bias voltages necessary.

The core reason to why this projects stands as the way it is, is for learning purpose and also to develop designs capable of being used in an actual chip to further better my understanding of how individual blocks work in an analog circuit. Operational Amplifiers are ubiquitous, the major building blocks as mentioned earlier. Hence, are also a great tool in understanding circuit design up close.


The design was done on Synopsys Custom Design Suite using it's 28nm technology node as a part of it's iPDK(Interoperable Process Design Kit). More information about the pdk(process design kit) can be found here. This is a 28nm node, so the minimum channel length is 28nm, but for analof design a lot of things change, especially in sub-micron processes where the second order effects are prevalent, and makes it difficult to obtain near ideal statictics from our design. So to tackle them, some suggests to use about 2-5 times the minimum length defined. A lot of other such techniques exists as well.

So, let's start with the most crucial part of our design, the Aspect Ratio(S) of the devices used. This is done based off our requirements of the current and also the swing expected. The first steps is hence, to see how our mosfets behave, that is how the models work. To do this, we characterise them individually.


The N-Channel Metal Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors or NMOS for short, are a type of MOS transistors where an N type channel is created for current conduction when we apply a potential at the gate of the transistor. To characterise a MOS transistor, we need to find a couple values and also deterine a couple constants that we can use further to design rest of the circuits. The testbench is shown below:
nmos char

For starters, we take a length and we stick to it for the rest of our estimations. I would be using L as 5 * Lmin.. Below is the Ids vs Vgs curve for the NMOS device.
nmos ids vs vgs

Using this curve we can assume the Vth to be closer to 0.5 Volts. This would be a lot useful when we scale up, that is move to actual calculations.

Next we find the Vds vs Ids, this would help us determine the current to move forward with. image
Above results gives us conclusive values of currents that can be chosen for NMOS


Similarly, we did the same experiments for P-Channel Metal Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor or PMOS for short. The results we obtained and the tests are presented below.

Conclusion and Sizing

After the above tests, we decided to take the length as 2 * Lmin (~60nm) and width as __ 50 * Wmin __ for NMOS and For PMOS the length was the same but we got the width to be double of that.


We also test run a CMOS Inverter for our design. It yeilded out some standard results that we expect off an inverter, this was done to ensure that our device works as expected and also to add nother test design to our suite.



Main Design

Now finally it's time to start with our main design, this would include two crucial components:

  • Voltage Refernce Circuit
  • Operational Amplifier(2-Stage)

Both of these are designed and analysed in the Synposys tools.

Voltage Refernce Circuit

Voltage Reference Circuit is used to produce stable voltage that would allow a constant current through our transistors and Bias them to a region and would not change it with changes in supply voltage. The circuit used is given below,

Following were the results obtained from it

this was further used to produce a couple more voltages. Whose circuit is given below


THis block would be used in the next stage where we designed an Opamp.

2 Stage OpAMP

Below is the circuit diagram of a standard two stage Operational Amplifier with a compensation capacitor


This wass simulated with a 1V ac input at one input end, which corresponds to 0dB on a 20dB logarithmic scale. The below result is what we obtained


As you can see, the design was not able to achieve a large gain, even though the design was done considering a 60dB gain. The reasons being:

  • Mismatch of component sizes
  • Improper calculation, since an actual parameter was difficult to obtain.
  • Design consideration, even though it was done for a small channel process.

But what is amazing is being able to calculate and also display results for a device. The opportunity to use synopsys tools and also experiment with them was a beautiful opportunity. I am grateful for the whole team that gave me this chance to experiment and showcase my design at this platform.

Special thanks to IIT Hyderabad, Synopsys India and VSD.


The main reference were books like CMOS Analog Circuit Design by Allen & Holdberg and also by Razavi. Then there were also a couple papers involved whose links I would be attaching below:

Thank you