
Philosophers - this project about a managing threads

Primary LanguageC


thread and mutex / fork and semafores

This project is about the basics of threading a process.

It is about how to create threads and how to discover mutexes.


1) One or more philosophers sit at a round table.

There is a large bowl of spaghetti in the middle of the table.

2) The philosophers alternatively eat, think, or sleep.

While they are eating, they are not thinking nor sleeping;

while thinking, they are not eating nor sleeping;

and, of course, while sleeping, they are not eating nor thinking.

3) There are also forks on the table.

There are as many forks as philosophers.

4) Because serving and eating spaghetti with only one fork is very inconvenient,

a philosopher takes their right and their left forks to eat, one in each hand.

5) When a philosopher has finished eating,

they put their forks back on the table and start sleeping.

Once awake, they start thinking again.

The simulation stops when a philosopher dies of starvation.

6) Every philosopher needs to eat and should never starve.

7) Philosophers don’t speak with each other.

8) Philosophers don’t know if another philosopher is about to die.

9) No need to say that philosophers should avoid dying!