Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This tool is here to make your life easier during the TELE's TDs. Helping you focus on the important notions and lose less time with boilerplate code that is now provided to you.

How to make the project

If your are confident you can install all the dependencies yourself, you can go ahead and use the CMake build files that are provided and build it as follows :

mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make -j `nproc`

If you are not too confident and have docker installed you can use the Dockerfiles provided to build and run it inside a container like so :

docker build . -t tele
xhost +local:root # gives access to the X11 socket from local docker
docker run -it --rm --device=/dev/dri \
                    --env="DISPLAY=$DISPLAY" \
                    --env="XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/tmp/runtime-root" \
                    --volume=/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
                    --volume=$PWD:/app/local \

Alternatively one can also use the precompiled and pushed image from the docker hub as so :

xhost +local:root # gives access to the X11 socket from local docker
docker run -it --rm --device=/dev/dri \
                    --env="DISPLAY=$DISPLAY" \
                    --env="XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/tmp/runtime-root" \
                    --volume=/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
                    --volume=$PWD:/app/local \

If you did not already pull the image from the docker hub the previous command will download it and run it. If you have any questions about the docker commands I suggest you give a quick look at the documentation.


Selecting the images

First thing to do after launching the program is select the directory where all the images are located. There must only be images in this directory and the images must be named lexicographically with respect to their shooting time.


Once the folder with images is selected you are provided with a view of the first image and you need to use the mouse to point and with the left click select the position of the eye of the cyclone.

You can switch to the next image by using the View menu, using the Alt + Right Arrow shortcut or also using a more ergonomic shortcut that is Right Click

You can go back in images using the menu, shortcut or also using the ergonomic shortcut Shift + Right Click

All other menus are self explanatory.

The CSV export

Once you have identified the eye of the cyclone in all the images you can export by clicking the export button in the toolbar, select the name of the file and you can go ahead and view the data you got using your preferred csv viewer. I can recommend this very simple technique :

column -s, -t < file.csv

If there is a lot of data you can optionally pipe it into a pager like less :

column -s, -t < file.csv | less

Note tha you can also export the data even if all images are not geotagged but the exported data might not be of any use.

The PNG export

This is a neat feature that allows you to save the current view you have allowing you to save a snapshot of your work to include it in presentations, report or anything you want.


This project will soon be accessible and you'll be able to submit pull requests to contribute to the project !


  • Fix trajectory drawing when skipping a point
  • Allow the user to change the thickness of the brush used for the eye pointing and trajectory drawing
  • Allow the user to change the color of the brush used for the eye pointing and trajectory drawing
  • Use Ctrl + Wheel Up/Down to control the zoom level
  • Export all the tracing steps as different PNG images
  • Export the the tracing steps as an animated image (GIF/MP4)


If you have difficulties using this software or a feature request please open an issue on the repository. Please only use the email to ask permission to use the code.


Thomas 'Dotty' Michelot thomas.michelot@epita.fr