
python OSC bridge to other apps

Primary LanguagePython


Python OSC bridge to other apps and send OSC messages back. Currently able to talk with Buttplug.io , tested with Intiface

How to run

Have a python interpreter and/or IDE installed (Tested in Python 3.11 using pycharm). Clone this repo inside a python project. Install the python module dependencies listed inside requirements.txt. Run main.py

I used color codes to print to console, they look like this "'\033[95m'"


OSC server that can listen and communicate with other apps. Sends a OSC message to the address "/OSCBridge" when it starts up with a value of "1" and a "0" when it stops running. Sends a 1 to the "/OSCBridge" OSCSendIp when its running and a 0 when it shuts down.

Configured in Mainconfig.json to enable/disable loading different modules (true=enabled, false=disabled).

Enables/disables the OSC server that's listening and sending the incoming data to be processed to other modules.
  "OSCBridge": false/true
Debug console print that enables printing all recieved OSC commands.
    "OSCBridgeDEBUG": true/false
IP/port to listen OSC commands from.
    "OSCBListenIP": "", "OSCBListenPort": 9001

Recieves and re-transmits OSC data
    "OSCPass": false/true 

Ip and port to send the OSC messages.
    "OSCSendIP": "","OSCSendPort": 9000

Listens for configured OSC adresses and controlls toys sending request [Intirface](https://intiface.com/)
    "OSCtoButtplug": false/true

Groups multiple simple processes. (Pulse, Respond)
    "OSCProcess": false/true

OSCtoButplug :

Requires Intiface to be running and with websockets active to control supported sex toys.

Listens to commands coming from the configured OSC addresses to control devices.

Available commands: Stop, Vibrate, Rotate.

The configuration file maps OSC address, device name to control and the command [OSC adrres, device name, command]

The first time you connect a device a new file "devicename".json will be created with the device name and its available commands.


Stop :

Stops all movement from a device if it receives any value on the configured address.

Stops the device named "XBox (XInput) Compatible Gamepad 1" when the OSC address/test/s sends any value.

["/test/s", "XBox (XInput) Compatible Gamepad 1", ["Stop"]]

Vibrate :

Vibrates configured motor/s to the OSC address value (float from 0.0 to 1.0). All or individual motors can be set.

[OSC address, device name, ["Vibrate", motors]] 

where motors can be set to "all", or a list of motor indexes [0,1,2, ...]

Vibrate: (tested with lovense edge and xbox controller)

Sets all motors to vibrate at the OSC value from /test/va for the first xbox controller.

["/test/va", "XBox (XInput) Compatible Gamepad 1", ["Vibrate", "all"]]

Sets the first motor to vibrate at the OSC value from /test/vb.

["/test/vb", "XBox (XInput) Compatible Gamepad 1", ["Vibrate", [0]]]

Sets the first and second motors to vibrate at the OSC value from /test/vc.

["/test/vc", "XBox (XInput) Compatible Gamepad 1", ["Vibrate", [0,1]]]

Rotate :

Rotates configured motor/s to the OSC address value (float from 0.0 to 1.0) and a set direction (true/false). All or individual motors can be set, and it's direction.

[OSC address, device name, ["Rotate", motors]]

where motors can be set to "allcw" (all clockwise),"allccw" (all counterclockwise, or a list of motor indexes and direction to rotate them where True = clockwise False = Counterclockwise.

[[0,True],[1,False],[2,True], ...]

Rotate: ( not tested jet with real toys).

Rotate all motors clockwise for the device "fake rotating device" at the OSC value from /rotatea.

["/rotatea", "fake rotating device", ["Rotate", "allcw"]]

Rotate all motors counterclockwise for the device "fake rotating device" at the OSC value from /rotateb.

["/rotateb", "fake rotating device", ["Rotate", "allccw"]]

Rotate second motor counterclockwise for the device "fake rotating device" at the OSC value from /rotatec.

["/avatar/parameters/rotatec", "fake rotating device", ["Rotate", [[1, False]]]]

Rotate first motor counterclockwise, and the second motor clockwise for the device "fake rotating device" at the OSC value from /rotated.

["/avatar/parameters/rotated", "fake rotating device", ["Rotate", [[0, False], [1, True]]]]

Process :

Group of independent processes Configuration file "OSCProcessMapping"

["OSC address", "Command Name", [Command data]]

Pulse :

Senda a message to an OSC adress every X seconds forever.

["OSC address", "pulse", [interval in seconds, Data do send]]

Sends a message to "/avatar/parameters/Test" every 10 seconds with the value "testing"

["/avatar/parameters/Test", "pulse", [10, "testing"]]


Sends a message with a preconfigured value when any message is recieved at the OSC address.

["OSC adress to listen at","respond",[data to send,"OSC adress to reply to"]]

Listen on any message from "/avatar/parameters/Testd" and sends a 1 to "/avatar/parameters/Testda"


All Process commands are saved in the sale .json file.
