
The Bunker Bot is a program for generating scenarios for playing bunker using AI.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

The Bunker with AI

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Bunker is a discussion game about surviving in the apocalypse. A global catastrophic is coming to Earth. You are lucky to be near the entrance to the bunker. You can try to survive the most dangerous scenario, but not everyone will enter there. You will need to make a choice. Who will enter and who will be outside?

About the bot

The Bunker Bot is a program for generating scenarios for playing bunker using AI. Every game has a global catastrophic scenario, a bunker description and a danger in the bunker that players will need to eliminate.

Player generation using AI

Each player has generated attributes:

  • Age

    For the balanced game, age generation is based on the exponential function. The function is designed to generate ages mainly up to 20 years old, but less often it can output values higher, up to about 90 years old.

$$ get\_age(x)= [\frac{e^{3log_2(x+1)}+ 0.9}{e^{-1.2x}}+17], 1\ge x\ge 0 , x \in \mathbb{R} $$

  • Gender

    Gender generation does not need more flexible settings, so simple generation is implemented through the random library. There are 3 genders in the game except for men and women. The rarest of them, a vampire, cannot have children’s, but they are immortal. Androids can solve a lot of problems in the bunker, but they also can’t have a children. Humanoid-aliens are a mysterious race, who knows if they are friends or enemies...

  • Profession It is generated using AI. The most important attribute of your life.

  • Health It is generated using AI. You can have any health problems, but you can also be completely healthy. Along with this characteristic comes the degree of the disease (%) – how much the disease progresses.

  • Hobby It is generated using AI. Just a funny hobbies.

  • Luggage It is generated using AI. Random things on your person.

  • Phobia Here you can find the full list with all kinds of phobias.

  • First fact It is generated using AI. Just a random fact about the player.

  • Second fact It is generated using AI. Just a random fact about the player.

  • Active card Active cards allow you to turn the game in your favor, here is a list of possible cards:

    • Exchange cards with a player of your choice
    • Exchanging cards with a random player
    • Shuffling the cards
    • Health Treatment
    • Changing the number of places in the bunker
    • Opening objects near the bunker
    • Limitation of player actions

Bug report

If you find a bug, then you can make a bug report here, after which you can track the status of the bug fix.

Installation and deployment

1. Docker installation

The Bunker bot is based on the architecture of microservices, it uses Docker and Docker Compose for a correct and stable operation.

There are eighth microservices in the project:

  • bot – Discord client.
  • api – API for connection to the database.
  • main-generator – the main Yandex Cloud AI scenarios generator.
  • reserve-generator – the reserve Yandex Cloud AI scenarios generator.
  • generator – Nginx load balancer.
  • info-streaming – container for streaming frames.
  • frame-generator – user frame generator.
  • redis – in-memory database for fast frame acquisition.

You can install Docker and Docker Compose here.

2. Installation for server usage

To install the bot, you can use an archive on the GitHub realizes or git script

git clone https://github.com/d1ffic00lt/bunker-with-ai/


If you want to use program locally, you can change the ports in .env:


3. Requirements

The Bunker bot uses tokens to log in to Discord and Yandex Cloud. So, you must create a directory with tokens for the correct use of the bot and the model.

├── README.md
├── api
├── directory-structure.md
├── discord-client
├── docker-compose.yml
├── frame-generator
├── generator
├── info-streaming
├── logs.bat
├── nginx
├── restart.bat
└── secrets
    ├── proxy.txt  # optional variable 
    ├── discord_token.txt
    ├── gpt-main
    │   ├── api_key.txt
    │   ├── model_uri.txt
    │   └── token.txt
    └── gpt-reserve
        ├── api_key.txt
        ├── model_uri.txt
        └── token.txt
  • proxy.txt A link to your proxy server.

  • discord_token.txt A token for your own discord bot, you can get it on the Discord Developer Portal. Don't forget to enable applications.commands in the scopes of the bot.

  • gpt-main

    • api_key.txt

      The api_key.txt is a secret key used for simplified authorization in the Yandex Cloud API. API keys are only used for service account authorization. Here is a guide on how can you get it for your account.

    • model_uri.txt

      To access your model via the API, under modelUri, specify its URI which contains the folder ID.

    • token.txt

      In Yandex Cloud, an OAuth token is used to authenticate users with a Yandex account: the user exchanges an OAuth token for an Identity and Access Management token. Here is a guide on how can you get it for your account.

  • gpt-reserve

    • api_key.txt
    • model_uri.txt
    • token.txt

For the gpt-reserve, it is similar to the gpt-main. If you don't want to use gpt-reserve, you should copy the tokens and the model URI from gpt-main.

You can use token.txt instead of api_key.txt, just turn it on in the docker-compose.yml in parameterAUTH_TYPE, it can be api_key for authorization via the API key or iam for authorization based on the IAM token. So, if you use api_key.txt instead of token.txt, token.txt can be empty, and vice versa.

4. Running

To launch the bot for the first time, you must launch Docker, log in to the console in the bot directory and send docker-compose up, then Docker will install all dependencies and start all services automatically.


If you want to update the bot to a new version, you must send the docker-compose build to the console, after which you can start it again.


If you have problems accessing discord in your location, you can use a proxy, just specify the address in the ./secrets/proxy.txt file this way:



Don't forget to rebuild your docker compose!

If you don't want to use the proxy all the time, you can disable it in .env: