
xdebug 2.5.5 RCE exploit

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

 __  _____  ___ ___ _   _  ___   ___          _     _ _   
 \ \/ /   \| __| _ ) | | |/ __| | __|_ ___ __| |___(_) |_ 
  >  <| |) | _|| _ \ |_| | (_ | | _|\ \ / '_ \ / _ \ |  _|
 /_/\_\___/|___|___/\___/ \___| |___/_\_\ .__/_\___/_|\__|

An automated exploit to the xdebug 2.5.5 RCE vulnerability


Download from package

pip3 install xdebug-exploit

Download from source

git clone https://github.com/D3Ext/XDEBUG-Exploit
cd XDEBUG-Exploit
python3 xdebug.py


git clone https://github.com/D3Ext/XDEBUG-Exploit && cd XDEBUG-Exploit && pip3 install requirements.txt && python3 xdebug.py


To exploit a target using a vulnerable version (v2.5.5) you have to especify the URL of a php file of the web page(Example: and also especify the LHOST (Example: 10.10.x.x)

python3 xdebug.py -u -l

And if the target is vulnerable, the exploit starts a fake-shell to execute php code.

*(In some cases the output won't be perfect and you only will see the first line of the executed command, this is not a problem of the script, the vuln is like this)*


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