
How to laser cut on the WPI Innovation Center 36x48" laser cutter.


Preparing the files needed

In order to perform a laser cut an svg file of the cut is needed. To make the svg file, WPI Innovation Studio recommends software called Inkscape.

To use Inkscape, for a basic linear cut, start by making a line with the following tool on the left hand side.

Lines tool

Once a line is drawn, such as below it can be fit with the dimensional options at the top, as seen below.

Dimensions tool

After the line is configured to the proper dimensions, just fit the sketch to the lines with the option shown below. Edit > Resize Page To Selection

Resizing tool

This leaves the svgg file ready to be exported. To export the svg file properly, simply open Retina Engrave, and then, from Inkscape, print the document. In the print menu there is an option to print to the driver for Retina Engrave. This then puts opens the svg file in Retina Engrave. Once Retina Engrave is open, all that is left to do is home the laser, then move the bed up to where a yellow indicator in the lab is barely touching the material. The number of passes, as well as the laser strength is also configured here. Different materials will require different confugurations, but as a guiding principle less strenght and more passes is better than higher strength and fewer passes. There is also a "run perimeter" button that moves the laser without cutting to show the cut. If everything is satisfactory, all that is left to do is start the ventilation, close the door, and click the start button.