CS 3733-D21 Fuchsia Falcons (Team F) - Project

Important Updates & Branches:

  • [Version Name] - [Tag] - [Hash]
  • Iteration 3 - iteration-3-master - 5cbea33
  • Iteration 2 - iteration-2-master - 40525c9
  • Iteration 1 - iteration-1-master - 4dbedee

Remote Apache Derby Server Information

When running our application please be on the WPI wifi, or have an IP address within the WPI address space.

For security reasons, only devices in the WPI IP space can access our VPS.

Environment & Keys

For security purposes, this project is missing the .env file with the required keys for the project (APIs & etc). We included this file in our submission, however, if there is an issue, please contact us.

Contact For Issues

Please contact our lead software engineer, ahfriedman, with any errors regarding the server.

Important Files

build.gradle / gradle.properties

This is the gradle configuration file. Modify this file to add dependencies to your project. In general you should only modify the depedencies section of this file, however there are a few modification you will need to make when you begin the project

  • mainClassName
    • Modifiy this variable to point to your main class. By default it is Main , but once you update your teamname package to your team letter you will need to update this path.


This file tells git which files to ignore in the repo. It should be correctly configured already Only modify this file if you are sure you know what you are doing


Here you will find the Fxml files for the default scenes. This method of accessing resources is how we recommend you organize all your FXML for the project.

Building a jar

To assemble a jar file for your project, run the "jar" gradle task, either through IntelliJ or by doing gradle jar on a terminal. Gradle will automatically download all dependencies needed to compile your jar file, which will be stored in the build/libs folder.

Make sure to edit the main class attribute the build.gradle file, you'll need to change it in order to obtain a working jar file.