
Log Processor for Meme_Api. Acts as an HTTPs LogDrain using Heroku's LogPlex and stores API Analytics to MongoDB on a day by day basis

Primary LanguageGo

Meme API LogDrain

Log Processor for Meme_Api Acts as an HTTPs LogDrain using Heroku's LogPlex and stores API Analytics to MongoDB on a day by day basis

Running the App

1. Setup the App

Clone the repo and run the following commands to install all necessary dependencies and build the app

  go install
  go build .

2. Set Environment Variables

Set the following Environment Variables


3. Run the App

Run the app by executing the binary


4. Setup HTTPs LogDrain for the Heroku App

Setup LogDrain for your Heroku App using the Heroku CLI

  heroku drains:add https://<APP_HOSTED_URL>/log -a myapp