
Smartly place semicolons at the end of lines

Primary LanguageVim ScriptMIT LicenseMIT

This tiny vim plugin provides an insert-mode mapping to intelligently place semicolons within the current line. This is useful for C-like languages where a semicolon marks the end of a line and is seldomly found somewhere else.

Upon pressing ; in insert-mode, if every one of the following conditions is met, the semicolon is placed at the end of the current line. Otherwise, it is placed under the cursor as usual:

  • The current line ends with an alpha-numerical ASCII character, one of the following characters: _)]'", --, or ++
  • The current line does not start with for (, ignoring whitespace
  • The next line is not further indented as the current one or is empty
  • The next line does not end with {, ignoring whitespace
  • The cursor is not positioned past the end of the current line
  • The cursor is outside a highlight group whose name contains the string comment

If the semicolon is placed at the end of the line, trailing whitespace is removed.


With vim-plug:

Plug 'D4KU/smart-semicolon.vim'


This plugin is only enabled for specific file-types. Change them by assigning a list to the following variable:

    let g:smart_semicolon_filetypes = `['c', 'cpp', 'cs', 'cuda', 'hlsl', 'glsl', 'css']`