
Open-source remake of Master of Orion II: Battle at Antares

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Project status: partial savegame viewer, no gameplay (yet)

Open-source remake of classic 4X strategy game Master of Orion II: Battle at Antares.


  • LibSDL2
  • SDL2_mixer


Clone this repository and build the sources:

make install

Game data from the original Master of Orion II are required. Copy all *.lbx files to the installation data directory (e.g. /usr/local/share/openorion2/) before running the compiled program.

Starting a new game is not implemented yet. You can copy saved games from the original game to OpenOrion2 user directory and load them from the main menu. On Windows: %APPDATA%\openorion2\ On Linux: ~/.config/openorion2/