
bash shell script tp create a backup from folder and mysql database

Primary LanguageShell


bash shell script to create a compressed backup file from folder and mysql database

Author: Mohammed AlShannaq , http://shannaq.com

git repository for this project are located in https://github.com/shannaq/kdbackup

#What is kdbackup bash script

kdbackup bash script was created to cover special case when we need to take a backup from one folder contents and one mysql database contents.

Sometimes may be we are running our website in a linux server that did not have any control panel like CPanel also there is no backup software that take a daily or weekly backup and we need to create a backup from our website content (public_html folder for example) and our MySQL database content. in this case you can use kdbackup as alternative simple backup script that can create a daily, schedule or on the fly backup from your website contents.


Download the last version of kdbackup from github from the following link https://github.com/shannaq/kdbackup/archive/master.zip and unzip the file into the location where you want to store the kdbackup files or by using the following commands after log in to SSH

$ cd ~
$ wget https://github.com/shannaq/kdbackup/archive/master.zip
$ unzip master.zip
$ mv kdbackup-master kdbackup
$ rm master.zip
$ cd kdbackup

If you do a list file command you can see 3 files which is:


README.md: this is the help file which contains the current instructions and documentation

kdbackup.sh: is the main kdbackup bash script which must call when we need to create a backup.

cfgfile.cfg: is a sample config file that the kdbackup.sh used to create the backup file. the config fil contains the basic information that the script need.


You must edit the config file cfgfile.cfg and change the varibales value to fit your website information Please note that this file is bash file and not a real config file, so when changing variables values make sure to follow bash rules. NO space between var and val also no empty lines at the end of lines.

This is the cfgfile.cfg sample content

#kdbackup config file
#Please note that this file is bash file and not a real config gile
#so when changing variables values make sure to follow bash rules
#no space between var and val also no empty lines at the end of lines
#I know this file is insecure as a config file, but this projects is small projects and done to be used by superusers
#contents folder
#the folder that you want to backp , example /home/mshannaq/public_html
#dump mysql database? 1 yes , 0 no
#mysql database name
#mysql database username
#mysql database username password
#any backup prefix to append to the backup file name
#backup folder store destination path, must be exists and writable

You must specify the website content folder in cfg_contents_folder variable which may be (/home/user/public_html) for example. And if you want t create backup of your mysql database you must keep cfg_mysqldump variable value to 1. else if you do not want to create a backup of any mysql database change the value of the variable cfg_mysqldump to 0 and if you choose to backup mysql databse you have to specify the correct database information as cfg_mysql_databasename the database name, cfg_mysql_databaseusername as the database username and cfg_mysql_databaseusernamepassword as the database user password.

Also you can add prefix to the backup file name by specify any profix in the cfg_backupfile_prefix variable. finally you have to choose where to store the generated backup file in the cfg_backup_dest variable.


using kdbackup is simple, you just have to call the kdbackup.sh script after making sure from the content of the config file cfgfile.cfg.

to make a new backup you just call the kdbackup.sh and speicify which config file you want to use

$ /root/kdbackup/kdbackup.sh /root/kdbackup/cfgfile.cfg

You can use the kdbackup.sh in crontab to make sure the backup process can be done automaticlly.

Note that kdbackup.sh must have the execution permission (755 permission) which is set by default , and if not set you can do it by running the command

$ chmod 755 ~/kdbackup/kdbackup.sh

After running the kdbackup.sh you can find the generated backup file as compressed .tar.gz file in the cfg_backup_dest path. And the generted backup file will have a prefix name that set on cfg_backupfile_prefix variable followed by the data (for example backup-25Jul2015.tar.gz )

Hint: If you are generating multiple backup for multiple websites you can create multiple config files and then execute the kdbackup.sh and specify the config file that you want to use and you can set the backup prefix to a name that let you know the website that related to this file