
Um sistema operacional que teve o intuito de ser feito apenas pra rodar um compilador de rinha

RinhaOS - A Operating System made just because of a compiler of the 'rinha' language

This Operating System code is shit, this is my first really operating system development for a purpose, the last OS that i developed was trash, so don't expect too much on this

Building the OS

You're going to need a cross-compiler for the target 'i386-elf'

To get this cross-compiler, use the instructions provided in wiki.osdev.org, and change the target to i386-elf

To build the binary, we're going to use Make.

$ make boot		# Build only the bootloader
$ make kernel		# Build only the kernel
$ make image		# Build a image to use in 'qemu'

# Or you can build all three together using the 'all' target
$ make			# You don't need to specify 'all'

Running the OS

To run the Operating System, you need the qemu-system-i386 command
  • To get this command in your linux distro (or WSL), you can use one of the commands below to install

Void Linux:

# xbps-install qemu

Debian-based distros:

# apt install qemu-system-x86	# or qemu-system if the package doesn't exist

Alpine Linux:

# apk add qemu

MacOS (brew):

% brew install qemu

To run the OS in QEMU, use

$ make run