
ES6 tutorial

Primary LanguageHTML

JavaScript ES6 Overview

There are overall ES6 concept. Check it below for details!!

1. New Variables — Creation, Updating and Scoping

var x = 1;
let y = 2;
const z = 3;

2. Function Improvements: Arrows and Default Arguments

Common Arrow Functions In ES6

filter(item => item.textContent.includes('Flexbox'))
map(item => item.dataset.time)
reduce((runningTotal, seconds) => runningTotal + seconds, 0)
setTimeout(() => {
  }, 500);

3. Template Strings

const sentence = `My dog ${name} is ${age * 7} years old.`;

const markup = `
<div class="beer">
  <p class="brewery">${beer.brewery}</p>

  ${song.name} — ${song.artist}$
  {song.featuring ? `(Featuring ${song.featuring})` : ""}

const markup = `
<ul class="dogs">
      (dog) => `
      ${dog.age * 7}

4. Additional String Improvements

New String Methods

String.startsWith(searchValue, index);
String.endsWith(searchValue, index);
String.includes(searchValue, start);

5. Destructuring (copying)

Duplicate data from Object to Object. Destructuring Objects, Arrays. Switching and Declaring the variable in Arrays.

// Destructuring syntax :
// const { first } = person.first;
// const { last } = person.last;
// const { twitter } = person.twitter;
const person = {
  first: "Wes",
  last: "Bos",
  country: "Canada",
  city: "Hamilton",
  twitter: "@wesbos",

const {
  // It can set default
  test = 100,
} = person;

//ES6 ...values, it will auto destructuring spread into the the Array.
const team = ["Wes", "Harry", "Sarah", "Keegan", "Riker"];
const [captain, assistant, ...players] = team;

//ES6 ...values, it will auto destructuring spread into the the Array.
const team = ["Wes", "Harry", "Sarah", "Keegan", "Riker"];
const [captain, assistant, ...players] = team;

6. iterables & Looping

Using for of loop with Objects

const cuts = ["Chuck", "Brisket", "Shank", "Short Rib"];
// ps: It iterate over everything in the array.It just return index.
for (const index in cuts) {

//Best way for iteration and support break, continue.
for (const cut of cuts) {
  if (cut === "Brisket") {

// for of loop in Object
const apple = {
  color: "Red",
  size: "Medium",
  weight: 50,
  sugar: 10,

for (const prop in apple) {
  const value = apple[prop];
  console.log(prop, value);

7. Array Improvements

Array methods.

Array.of(x); // Create a x element of array, instead of undefined value.
Array.from(); // Convert the iterable/array-like object to array instant.

8. The Spread Operator

The ...rest params in Functions and destructuring Spread example

const featured = ["Deep Dish", "Pepperoni", "Hawaiian"];
const specialty = ["Meatzza", "Spicy Mama", "Margherita"];
// Auto spread into a array, and you can insert elements in.
const pizzas = [...featured, "veg", ...specialty];

const name = ["Wes", "Bos"];
function sayHi(first, last) {
  alert(`Hey there ${first} ${last}`);
// Same as sayHi(name[0], name[1]);

const runner = ["Wes Bos", 123, 5.5, 5, 3, 6, 35];
const [name, id, ...runs] = runner;
console.log(name, id, runs);
// ...rest_parameters auto declare the variables.

9. Object Literal Upgrades

Object Methods

const first = "snickers";
const last = "bos";
const age = 2;
const breed = "King Charles Cav";
const dog = {
  firstName: first, // New property name.
  last, // It mean the property name same as the value.
  [`${breed}Opposite`]: invertColor(value), // Dynamic set property and value.
  pals: ["Hugo", "Sunny"], // Add new key and value.
  close(goodbye) {
    console.log(`run close ${goodbye}`);
    // dog.close() to run the function inside.

10. Promises

Chaining Promises, Flow Control Working with Multiple Promises.
Promise.race()(Pick the fastest return)
Promise.all()(Wait for all)

// JS "fetch" will queue the request, but PHP will stop all the processes.
const postsPromise = fetch("https://www.google.com.tw/");
// Callback function, run when response is back.
  .then((data) => data.json())
  .then((data) => {
  .catch((err) => {

// "New Promise" resolve => success, reject => fail
const p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  setTimeout(() => {
    // Resolve("success!");
    reject(Error("Err it isn't cool"));
  }, 1000);
p.then((data) => {
}).catch((err) => {

11. Symbols

Symbols features

  • Symbol is a unique identifier, can't loop over the symbol.
  • getOwnPropertySymbols() to get the symbol, and use these for object-key to access all the value.

12. Code Quality with ESLint

  • ESLint Airbnb configuration.
  • ESLint Plugins inside Atom and Sublime Text.
  • Only Allow ESLint Passing Code into your git repositories.

13. JavaScript Modules and Using npm

  • Implement JavaScript Modules need to install npm. npm initial the file(app.js), setup the package.json. While install libraries to dependencies(node_modules). Then you can import some function from these libraries to app.js file.
  • You need to install webpack to bundle these modules together. Install babel, webpack to devDependencies. Setup webpack.config.js for "require"(npm can't use ES6) webpack modules and setup the entry file, babel loading.

14. ES6 Tooling Tool-Free Modules with SystemJS

Other way to bundle the package management(jspm). All About Babel + npm scripts polyfilling ES6 for Older Browsers.

  • Simple way to bundle the web file, and npm libraries install free.
  • Babel is only work on syntax, need to import cdn.polyfill.io for new methods. (webpack include)
  • https://babeljs.io/

15. Classes Prototypal

  • Inheritance Review
  • Extending Classes by using super()
  • static function === private class method
  • Extending Arrays with Classes for Custom Collections

16. Generators

Using Generators for Ajax Flow Control. Looping Generators with for of.

// Generator is function you can run and stop.
// Yield will return.
function* listPeople() {
  let i = 0;
  yield i;
  yield i;
  yield i;
// Use people.next() to get the result.
// It will return a object {done, value}
const people = listPeople();

17. Proxies

Proxy can modify the original object properties. A kind of pre-function that access the object properties.

const phoneHandler = {
  set(target, name, value) {
    target[name] = value.match(/[0-9]/g).join("");
  get(target, name) {
    return target[name].replace(/(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})/, "($1)-$2-$3");
// Start with a blank object and send to handler.
const phoneNumbers = new Proxy({}, phoneHandler);

18. Sets and WeakSets

A set in JS in like a unique array. Can't access item individually, not index base.

const  people = new  Set();
people.values().next()  == for(X of Xs)

// WeakSet is a limitation version of Set.
// It can only content Objects, and can't iterable.
// No .clear() method, auto clear when the object reference is null.
let  dog1 = { name: 'Snickers', age: 3 };
let  dog2 = { name: 'sunny', age: 1 };
const  weakSauce = new  WeakSet([dog1, dog2]);

19. Map and Weak Map, Maps-metadata

Set for Array, Map for Object

const dogs = new Map();
for (const [key, val] of dogs) {
  console.log(key, val);
// Weak-maps no size and can't iterable.
// WeakMap and StrongMap Garbage Collection not actually the same.

20. Async + Await Flow Control

async function > await promise

Async Await - Native Promises Review

// The function will block until "await" finish.
// When it error will block process.
let mingRun = await runPromise("one", 2000);
console.log("r1:", mingRun);
let auntieRun = await runPromise("two", 2500);
console.log("r2:", auntieRun);

// Wrap "await" in "async", can use then() and catch().
const asyncRunFail = async () => {
  let mingRun = await runPromise("one", 2000, false);
  let auntieRun = await runPromise("two", 2500);
  return `${mingRun}, ${auntieRun}`;
  .then((string) => {
  .catch((response) => {
    // one fail (rejected)

21. ES7(es2018), ES8(es2019) new Features

  • Beyond Class Properties => use Babel to convert it into the constructor this.barks.

  • padStart and padEnd ES7 => str.padStart(longestString, "_")

  • Exponential Operator and new method => array.include("xxx") , 2 ** 2 ** 2 = 16

  • Function Arguments Trailing Comma => comma in the last line in Array, Object, Function is fine now.

  • Object.values() and Object.entries() => return value, return property and value.
