
Vue.js learning note

Primary LanguageHTML

vue.js (Model-View-ViewModel)

VUE Object.defineProperty will watch the update of the data.
When data change it will auto rerender the browsers.
Vue Official tutorial

Watch Data(Tree) Implementation
Angular: 1 Pull
React: Pull, onPush
vue: Push-based (single node)

Data Update Concept j-query DOM: elements trigger data.
vue, Angular, react: data trigger events.
Vue does not support IE8 and below, because it uses ECMAScript 5 features that are un-shimmable in IE8. However it supports all ECMAScript 5 compliant browsers.

01- Setup Vue.js

Import the Vue.js library by CDN or download it.
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue@2.6.14/dist/vue.min.js"></script>

02- Directives

v-if v-for one-way binding
v-model two-way binding
v-on methods
v-bind bind for html tag or css style

  • v-bind shorthand :
  • v-on: shorthand @

03- What is this

The "object" that currently is the parent of the function.

04- VUE-Lifecycle

  • beforeCreate
  • created
  • beforeMount
  • mounted
  • beforeUpdate
  • update
  • beforeUnmount
  • unmount
    ps: lifecycle-hooks

05- Computed & watch

methods => Run when has been call, whatever the data is different or not.
computed => Auto run when the data update.( Detect data, component, props and cached it)
watch => Usually use in RWD Ajax asynchronous call for the API data has changes. (Change data base on watching some data, and can get the previous/new data.)

06- Web Component

Local Component:

new Vue({
  el: "#app",
  components: {
    // local scope component declaring.
    // register scoped component.
    "my-component": {
      template: '<div class="component">A custom component of Vue!</div>',

Global Component:

// Register for global component.
Vue.component("my-component", {
  template: '<div class="component">A custom component of Vue!</div>',
// create a root instance
new Vue({
  el: "#app",
new Vue({
  el: "#app2",

07- data-function

Declare a component with it's data.

// register
Vue.component("my-component", {
  template: '<div class="component">{{ msg }}</div>',
  data: function () {
    return {
      // Component data need to be a function return.
      // Need to return it in a minima function scope.
      msg: "A child component in root VUE instance!",

08- props

  • transfer the data from parent to child component.
  • props data support type validation check.

09- one-way data flow

  • Avoid using the two-way data flow, it's possible to cause bugs.
  • Use the .$parent.$emit() event to update parent node data in the one-way data flow condition.

10- event bus

  • To organize the events into the single object.
  • It can improve the process of the data updating in the complex node tree.

11- Dynamic components

  • It will remove the DOM and create new one.
  • Use keep alive tag to cache the element data props.

12- Compilation Scope

  • slot tag can compile the input data from parent.
  • Slot with name, if multiple slots.

13- What is VUE file

  • Sigle file for App.vue project.
  • Need to compile the App.vue with web-pack and vue-loader.


A bundle of tools that increase develop process for Vue project. gulp(Task runner) vs Webpack(module bundler)

15- VUE CLI setup

  1. Download node.js and check the version npm -v.
  2. Import VUE CLI npm install -g vue-cli.

16- VUE CLI data structure and run command

  • npm run dev will auto start up the localhost server.
  • npm run build will compress all the code and element to dist folder for production.

17- VUE webpack project


Vue Doc