
Hahow recruit project, Demo repository.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Hahow recruit project, develop repository.

Project resource

Online Production version:

The master branch of the React build version.

Develop version:

  1. Download the develop-demo branch.
  2. Install node.js (for running modules and tools)
  3. npm install to install the project.
  4. npm start for start the local server.
  5. ctrl + c for stop the server.

App Framework

Library Import

  • React ( use by react app )

  • react-dom ( use by react app )

  • react-router-dom ( for the router controller )

  • react-scripts ( for react code )

  • react-transition-group ( for the animation CSS )

  • Bootstrap ( CSS framework )

  • @babel/core ( translate the code for jest )

  • @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties ( translate the code for jest )

  • @babel/preset-env ( translate the code for jest )

  • @babel/preset-react ( translate the code for jest )

  • @testing-library/react ( test case function for Event and DOM )

  • babel-jest ( use by jest )

  • jest ( test case library )

Comment Discipline

  • For more readable.
  • For more efficiently to understand the function.
  • Avoid the future me forget it.

Issues / Obstacle

  • Can't run when route directly to the /heroes/2
  • “gh-pages” for online Demo need to use ‘hashrouter’ in the router, local version need to browserrouter.
  • Jest run the test case. (not yet) - jest auto deploy to github server. (done)


Press secret key B for Batman mode.

Press B at the path /heroes and it will turn to Batman mode.
You can find Joker also.

Auto run build to github server by Travis CI.

When commit to the master branch Travis will auto build and deploy to the github server.