
pydumpck is a multi-threads tool for decompile exe,elf,pyz,pyc packed by python which is base on pycdc and uncompyle6.sometimes its py-file result not exactly right ,maybe could use uncompyle6.

Primary LanguagePython

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pydumpck is a multi-threads tool for decompile exe,elf,pyz,pyc packed by python which is base on pycdc and uncompyle6.sometimes its py-file result not exactly right ,maybe could use uncompyle6.


pip install pydumpck


usage: pydumpck [-h] [-o OUTPUT_DIRECTORY] [-w THREAD] [-t TIMEOUT] [--session-timeout TIMEOUT_SESSION]
                [-y TARGET_FILE_TYPE] [-d [DECOMPILE_FILE ...]] [--header [STRUCT_HEADERS ...]] [-v [SHOW_VERSION]]
                [-p [PLUGIN ...]]

pydumpck is a multi-threads tool for decompile exe,elf,pyz,pyc packed by python which is base on pycdc and
uncompyle6.sometimes its py-file result not exactly right ,maybe could use uncompyle6.

positional arguments:
  target_file           file to extract or decompiler,combine with -y for type select.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        output archive file to (default: output_2938294).
  -w THREAD, --thread THREAD
                        thread count for running (default: 0) cpu-count * 8.
  -t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
                        timeout running single decompiler (default: 10).
  --session-timeout TIMEOUT_SESSION
                        timeout running total task (default: 10).
                        file-type of input file,can use pe,exe,elf,pyc,pyz (default: None : auto guess).
  -d [DECOMPILE_FILE ...], --decompile_file [DECOMPILE_FILE ...]
                        only decompile referred file for quick complete (default: None).
  --header [STRUCT_HEADERS ...]
                        specify pyc header hex-string (default: None).if not set , pydumpck will use struct.pyc's
                        header(if possible) and default header.eg:6f0d0d0a 00000000 00000000 ffffffff
  -v [SHOW_VERSION], --version [SHOW_VERSION]
                        show version of package
  -p [PLUGIN ...], --plugin [PLUGIN ...]
                        enable decompiler plugins,split by space .example: `--plugin pycdc uncompyle6` (default:

Quick Start

pydumpck xxx.exe
pydumpck xxx.elf
pydumpck xxx.pyc
pydumpck xxx.pyz
pydumpck xxx.exe --output ./output --thread 8 --timeout 10


  • -p/--plugin specified which plugin to use for decompile (pycdc|uncompyle6)

pydumpck xxx.exe -p uncompyle6

pydumpck xxx.exe -p pycdc uncompyle6

  • -d/--decompile_file specified which file(s) to decompile for a faster run

pydumpck xxx.exe -d main for only target main.py

pydumpck xxx.exe -d main lib_base64 secert for targets main.py and lib_base64.py and secert.py


  • pyc with header been tampered with
    • (Warning:gif with size 5MB)pyc-fix_header-demo


pycdc speed is more than 10 times faster than uncompyle6 , and uncompyle6 is not support for python that version above 3.8.

however pycdc sometimes return a not precisely right result.

in pydumpck , you can use --plugin uncompyle6 for single-use or --plugin pycdc uncompyle6 for both-use.

