
Farming Simulator 22 server inside a docker container, support for vnc and web-vnc!

Primary LanguageShell


Farming Simulator 22 server running inside a Docker Container (with vnc This project is maintained at wine-gameservers/docker-winebased-server-fs22

Table of contents


  • ARM devices are not supported!
  • You need legal and active license code in order to install Farming Simulator 22 server. You can buy it from here to support Aussie Farmer.
  • This docker image emulates Windows instruction set by using Wine. That means there may NOT be 100% compatibility.
  • This guide doesn't cover all possible scenarios.
  • In case if any questions, join our Discord server

Steps to deploy

  1. Obtain legal license code of Farming Simulator 22
  2. On Giant's download page, enter the license code and download FS22 image (FarmingSimulator2022ESD.img)
  3. Unpack the downloaded image and move contents to desired folder on host
  4. Look at the docker run template and make changes that fit your needs 1
  5. After that, run the docker image
  6. Download VNC Viewer and connect to automatically created VNC server with host_ip:5900
  7. Grant owner permissions to /opt/fs22 by using sudo chown -R username:username /opt/fs22 (replace username with actual username)2
  8. In the home folder, run setup.sh (usually by using bash ./setup.sh)
  9. If installation was successful, start the actual server by using bash ./fs22start.sh3
  10. Now, access the Web UI on host_ip:8080

Docker Run Template

docker run -d \
    --name docker-fs22-server \
    -p 5900:5900/tcp \
    -p 8080:8080/tcp \
    -p 9000:9000/tcp \
    -p 10823:10823/tcp \
    -p 10823:10823/udp \
    -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
    -v /path/to/installerfiles:/opt/fs22/installer \
    -v /path/to/gameconfig:/opt/fs22/config \
    -v /path/to/game:/opt/fs22/game \
    -e USERNAME="FS22USER" \
    -e USERID=1000 \
    -e RESOLUTION="1280x720" \
    -e SERVER_NAME="FS22 Docker Server" \
    -e SERVER_PLAYERS="16" \
    -e SERVER_PORT="10823" \
    -e SERVER_REGION="en" \
    -e SERVER_MAP="MapUS" \
    -e SERVER_PAUSE="2" \
    -e SERVER_SAVE_INTERVAL="180.000000" \
    -e SERVER_STATS_INTERVAL="31536000" \
    -e SERVER_CROSSPLAY="true" \

Environment variables

All variable names and values are case-sensitive!

Name Default Purpose
USERNAME FS22USER The username used inside the docker container
USERID 1000 The username PUID and PGID
VNC_PASSWORD FS22USER Password for connecting using the vnc client
WEB_USERNAME FS22USER Username for admin portal at :8080
RESOLUTION AUTO Set a desired screen resolution for the vnc client
SERVER_NAME Docker Server Name that will be shown in the server browser
SERVER_PORT 10823 Default: 10823, port that the server will listen on
SERVER_ADMIN FS22USER Default: FS22USER, admin username for the game
SERVER_PASSWORD FS22USER Default: FS22USER, server password for the game
SERVER_REGION en,de,nl One of the following: en, de, jp, pl, cz, fr, es, ru, it, pt, hu, nl, cs, ct, br, tr, ro, kr, ea, da, fi, no, sv, fc
SERVER_PLAYERS 16 Default: 16 amount of players allowed on the server
SERVER_MAP MapUS Default: MapUS (Elmcreek), other official maps are: MapFR (Haut-Beyleron), MapAlpine (Erlengrat)
SERVER_DIFFICULTY 3 Default: 3, start from scratch
SERVER_PAUSE 2 Default: 2 Pause the server if no players are connected 1, never pause the server
SERVER_SAVE_INTERVAL 180.000000 Default:180.000000, in seconds; Doesn't seem to change anything
SERVER_STATS_INTERVAL 31536000 Default: 120.000000, webapi is not supported anymore for FS22 so lets give it an odd number so it doesen't spam the logs
SERVER_CROSSPLAY true/false Default:true

Discord server

Want to help or contribute by testing? Join our discord!


Legal disclaimer

This Docker container is not endorsed by, directly affiliated with, maintained, authorized, or sponsored by Giants Software and Farming Simulator 22. The logo Farming Simulator 22 are © 2021 Giants Software.


  1. Set the USERID variable to User ID that will run the docker container. Change the binded folder to folder where you have installation image unpacked

  2. Default root password is "ubuntu"

  3. If the error window appear that you need to install latest graphics drivers, just click "No" and ignore it