ErrorHandling Contract and Interaction



The ErrorHandling contract is designed to demonstrate various error-handling methods in Solidity. It includes functions that test the use of require, assert, and revert statements for handling errors in different scenarios.


  1. inputLuckyNumber

    • Description: Checks if the provided number is equal to 7.
    • Parameters: _num - Unsigned integer to be checked.
    • Error Handling: Uses require statement with a custom error message.
  2. checkIfTrue

    • Description: Executes an assert statement to check if 5 is greater than 1.
    • Error Handling: Relies on the inherent behavior of assert, triggering an error if the condition is false.
  3. testRevert

    • Description: Tests the use of revert statement with a custom error LOWER_THAN_ONE() if the provided number is less than 1.
    • Parameters: _num - Unsigned integer to be checked.
    • Error Handling: Utilizes a custom error defined with error LOWER_THAN_ONE().



The IErrorHandling interface defines the external functions provided by the ErrorHandling contract. It serves as a reference for external components interacting with the contract.


  1. inputLuckyNumber

    • Description: External function to check if the provided number is equal to 7.
  2. checkIfTrue

    • Description: External function to execute an assert statement.
  3. testRevert

    • Description: External function to test the use of revert statement.

Interaction Script


The interaction script demonstrates the deployment of the ErrorHandling contract and interacts with its functions to test error-handling mechanisms. It utilizes the Hardhat framework and ethers.js library for Ethereum development.


  1. Deploy Contract:

    • Deploys the ErrorHandling contract and waits for deployment to complete.
  2. Interact with Functions:

    • Calls functions on the deployed contract to test different error-handling scenarios:
      • inputLuckyNumber: Checks if the provided number is 7.
      • checkIfTrue: Executes an assert statement.
      • testRevert: Tests the use of revert statement.
  3. Console Output:

    • Prints the results of each function call, including transaction details.


  1. Install dependencies: npm install
  2. Run the script: npx hardhat run path/to/interactionScript.js

Error Handling

The script handles errors using async/await and includes proper error logging. In case of an error, it logs the error message and sets the process exit code to 1.

Note: Ensure that you have the required dependencies installed and a compatible Ethereum network (e.g., Hardhat network) running before executing the interaction script. Adjust the script and contract parameters as needed for your testing environment.