
The most beautiful Builder 🛠

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


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The most beautiful Builder 🛠

DEBuilder provide UIKit's Views and Controls Builder by default.

Through inheritance also convenient way to create custom object.




let view = UIView.Builder()
	.withCornerRadius(8, maskedCorners: [.layerMaxXMaxYCorner, .layerMaxXMinYCorner])

Or you can access directly accessible too.

let view = ViewBuilder()
	.withCornerRadius(8, maskedCorners: [.layerMaxXMaxYCorner, .layerMaxXMinYCorner])

If you want to use the Builder of an Object inherited in Custom View, you can use it with the following code.

class CustomButton: UIButton {
  typealias Builder = ButtonBuilder<CustomButton>

// Usage 1
let customButton = CustomButton.Builder()
	.withTitle([("CustomButtonTitle", .normal)])

// Usage 2
let customButton = ButtonBuilder<CustomButton>
	.withTitle([("CustomButtonTitle", .normal)])


Objects that inherit the NSObject can set properties by default using keypath.

After you create an object using Builder, you can use the with method to set the properties that the builder does not provide.

let label = UILabel.Builder()
	.withText("Custom Label")
	.with(\.font, setTo: font)
  .with(\.textAlignment, setTo: textAlignment)

When Custom Class does not inherit the NSObject, you can adopt the With protocol as follows.

class CustomClass: With {
  var customProperty: String

let custom = CustomClass()
	.with(\.customProperty, setTo: "Custom")

Custom Builder

If DEBuilder don't have a builder you want, you can implement it yourself.

class CustomLabel: UILabel {
  var customProperty: String?

class CustomLabelBuilder: LabelBuilder<CustomLabel> {
  private var customProperty: String?
  override func build() -> CustomLabel {
    return super.build()
    	.with(\.customProperty, setTo: customProperty)
  func withCustomProperty(_ customProperty: String?) -> CustomLabelBuilder {

If you don't have a builder to inherit, you can adopt BuilderType to implement Custom Builder yourself.

class CustomObject {
  var customProperty: String?

class CustomObjectBuilder: BuilderType {
  private var customProperty: String?
  func build() -> CustomObject {
    return CustomObject()
    	.with(\.customProperty, setTo: customProperty)
  func withCustomProperty(_ customProperty: String?) -> CustomObjectBuilder {


You can install the library only using Cocoapods

pod 'DEBuilder'


DEBuilder is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.