
Julia Openshift Cartridge

Primary LanguageShell


Julia Openshift Cartridge

Provide the next URL for cartridge definition when create a new application: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DANA-Laboratory/julia-cartridge/master/metadata/manifest.yml

##Example The most convenient way for use this cartridge it's using Red-Hat Client (Installation, configuration and further info can be found in https://developers.openshift.com/en/managing-client-tools.html), we'll do next things:

  • Create your application
  • Login and using julia
  • Optionally start the web server and test

Create your application

Open your terminal and type:

~ $ rhc app create my_project_name https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DANA-Laboratory/julia-cartridge/master/metadata/manifest.yml
Your application 'my_project_name' is now available.
  URL:        http://my_project_name-your_user.rhcloud.com/
  SSH to:     55a5cdf...@my_project_name-your_user.rhcloud.com
  Git remote: ssh://55a5cdf...@my_project_name-your_user.rhcloud.com/~/git/my_project_name
  Cloned to:  ~/my_project_name

Here "my_project_name" is the project's name that you choose, "your_user" is the username registered at openshift

Login and using julia

~ $ rhc ssh my_project_name
Connecting to 55a5cdf...@my_project_name-your_user.rhcloud.com ...
[my_project_name-your_user.rhcloud.com 55a5cdf...]\> julia  # now type julia!
   _       _ _(_)_     |  A fresh approach to technical computing
  (_)     | (_) (_)    |  Documentation: http://docs.julialang.org
   _ _   _| |_  __ _   |  Type "help()" for help.
  | | | | | | |/ _` |  |
  | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 0.3.10 (2015-06-24 13:54 UTC)
 _/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_|  |  Official http://julialang.org/ release
|__/                   |  x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu


Start web server

If not already started, you can start web server with:

Using Red-Hat client:

~ $ rhc app start -a my_project_name

Or from ssh connection, inside openshift terminal:

[my_project_name-your_user.rhcloud.com 55a5cdf...]\> gear start

Now you can test the next urls in your browser:


By default every file that begins with dot will not be showed:

http://my_project_name-your_user.rhcloud.com/.server.jl   # 403 - Forbidden

Also on index.html you can confirm that is available websockets too, check you browser's javascript console and html of this page.

You must edit .server.jl for adding your own content! You can see the original code at https://github.com/DANA-Laboratory/julia-cartridge/blob/master/template/.server.jl, it was created using Meddle package from http://juliawebstack.org/


  • Migrate from Meddle to Morsel package
  • Make tools for easy deploy for parallel processing in openshift

Suggested by @Ismael-VC: