Welcome to the Wizeline DevOps task.
This repository contains an API skeleton where you can add your code, choose the language of your preference.
Demonstrate you have great coding and operation skills, no matter which technology stack is used.
This is not an exam, this is more a task that has been assigned to you, so you can ask us at anytime.
Communication is important, if you don't have technical problems make sure to share your progress.
You need to complete a functionality in our API that provides some help to the networking team.
The API has 3 missing endpoints, the first endpoint converts Subnet Mast to CIDR format, the second endpoint return the CIDR value of a given Subnet Mask and finally the third endpoint simply validates an IPv4.
curl localhost/cidr-to-mask?value=24
"function": "cidrToMask",
"input": "24",
"output": ""
curl localhost/mask-to-cidr?value=
"function": "maskToCidr",
"input": "",
"output": "16"
curl localhost/ip-validation?value=
"function": "ipv4Validation",
"input": "",
"output": true
- Complete the following endpoints.
- The following endpoint is not required for this phase.
- Make sure your tests are passing
- Add missing tests
- You should pick one from a list of available languages.
- Define a CI pipeline.
- Ideally the pipelines must be checked in code (Jenkinsfile or Scripts).
- Automate your tests every time a change is pushed to the repository.
- Avoid buggy code to be deployed.
- Build your artifacts (docker images) and store them in a registry with appropriate tagging.
- Protect your branches.
- Define your CD pipeline.
- Deploy to your Production Environment based on your defined strategy.
- Manage stage as production.
- Deploy to your Testing Environment before deploying to stage or production.
- Deploy with no downtime in production.
You will have access to the following:
- Jenkins server
- Kubernetes Cluster
- During the Task Presentation, the Wizeline team will provide:
- Jenkins address, username and password.
- Information of the Docker Servers
- Credentials for the kubernetes cluster.
- URL: http://jenkins-YOUR_NAME.interviews.wize.mx
- User:
- Password:
- Docker is already integrated with Jenkins, in a job you could use this command to build an image
docker build -t my-image:some-tag .
- You will need to push data to a remote docker registry, for this you will need to do the following
docker tag my-image:some-tag wizelinedevops/my-image:some-tag
docker push wizelinedevops/my-image:some-tag
Note: This only works from jenkins.
In this section you will need to know.
How to deploy to kubernetes.
The kube config file.
The candidate must create a secret file in jenkins with the provided configuration file and use it as a parameter for
.- Jenkins > Credentials > System > Global Credentials
- Jenkins Security
Note: Make sure to use kubeconfig with the value set up in the Jenkins Credentials Section.
- Update the version of the image in the kubernetes cluster, e.g.:
kubectl --kubeconfig=${KUBECONFIG} --namespace=<ENVIRONMENT> set image deployment/api api=wizelinedevops/api:tag
Note: This only works from jenkins.
- Dev:
- Stage:
- Production: