Hi there 👋

I'm Aman Brhane, a seasoned software engineer who embarked on this exciting journey after earning a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science back in 2014. More recently, I've sharpened my skills and expanded my horizons by graduating from the ALX Software Engineering program.


Coding gif


  • 🔭 I’m currently working as a freelancer.
  • 🌱 I’m always eager to expand my knowledge.
  • 👯 I’m open to collaborations on interesting projects related to programming, web development, or cloud computing.
  • 💬 Connect with me on Twitter or drop me an Email.
  • 📚 Explore my GitHub repositories to find projects covering a range of categories and themes.


c html5 css3 javascript java python jquery json bootstrap nodejs ruby typescript


mongodb mysql postgresql


express django react flask


git heroku linux windows docker nginx vim trello postman firebase





Let's Collaborate:

I'm enthusiastic about collaborating on innovative projects. If you have ideas or projects related to programming, web development, or cloud computing, let's discuss and explore possibilities.

Thank You for Visiting:

Feel free to delve into my projects, and if you have any questions or suggestions, I'm just a message away.

Happy coding! 🚀