- 0
- 0
- 1
[FEATURE] more skill tree
#40 opened by nitbe - 0
Tags not properly updated to 1.21
#31 opened by Shnupbups - 1
Conditions and rewards aren't listed in wiki, nor is the folder that arc conditions go into
#30 opened by Nathan22211 - 1
Incompatibility with EasyNPC (1.20.1 Forge)
#34 opened by tooopt - 1
- 2
- 1
Question on mod capabilites
#37 opened by Cooperzilla - 0
Add amount option to ItemReward
#5 opened by DAQEM - 4
- 3
Unexpected crash on multiplayer server
#3 opened by bhjkl7575 - 1
Ticking Entity Crash
#2 opened by aNinjin - 0
Crash when creating world for the first time.
#1 opened by aNinjin