
This repository contains code for automating getting, cleaning, and aggregating open police-department data.

Primary LanguageR

Processing open police-department data

To clone the repo:

  1. cd desired_directory

  2. git clone the SSH clone url

To run the code on your local machine:

  1. Get an application token from "https://support.socrata.com/hc/en-us/articles/210138558-Generating-an-App-Token"

  2. Enter the application token on line 2 of get_dept_data/hand/config.yamlnext to 'app_token:'

  3. Set your working directory to the root of the project folder - In Rstudio console: setwd("../policing_related_rcts")

  4. Confirm your working directory is at the root of the project directory - In Rstudio console: getwd()

  5. Singular task(s)

  • Manually
  • In Rstudio console, setwd("task-name"); source("src/task-name.r")

Right now the tasks should be run in the following order:

- get_dept_data
- clean_dept_data
- aggregate_dept_data
- run_power_calculations

How to add/use data for another department:

Assuming you are adding data for the philadelphia police department and abbreviating the department name to ppd

To get data for another police department:

  1. Add "ppd" to the list of departments in get_dept_data/hand/config.yaml

  2. Copy and rename one of the get_dept_data/R/get_x_data_functions.R files as get_ppd_data_functions.R

  3. Rename and edit get_x_data() and get_x_crime_data() in get_ppd_data_functions.R as needed to make sure you're getting the right data

  4. Add source(file.path("R", "get_ppd_data_functions.R")) to get_dept_data/src/get_dept_data.R

To clean data for another police department:

  1. Add "ppd" to the list of departments in clean_dept_data/hand/config.yaml

  2. Copy, rename, and edit clean_x_data() and create_p1_vio_indicator_x() to clean_ppd_data() and create_p1_vio_indicator_ppd() in clean_dept_data_functions.R.

To include data for another police department in aggregation:

  1. Add "ppd" to the list of departments in aggregate_dept_data/hand/config.yaml

To commit to this repo:

  1. Please first read https://chris.beams.io/posts/git-commit/

Brief notes to better understand quirks of the different datasets discovered while cleaning and helpful when creating crime indicators:

  1. NYPD
  • has two fields that can be used to create crime indicators - pd_cd and ofns_desc
  • rather than using pd_cd, we use the much simpler (and more conservative) ofns_desc
  1. CPD
  • we use a dataset from Chicago's open data portal linking Illinois UCR codes to FBI UCR codes
  1. LAPD
  • we use the crm_cd_1 field and, in cases where it is missing, the crm_cd field
  1. DPD
  • we focus on codes belonging to part 1
  • the one exception is our inclusion of all arson codes regardless of part designation
  • all ucr data is missing for 2019, so used the list of ucrcodes we created to come up with a list of nibrs codes that are roughly equivalent