- 1
Start simple .rb file as a daemon?
#39 opened by ipepe - 1
Create a rails example
#38 opened by silkcom - 1
Running live with log output to stdout
#35 opened by brettnem - 0
Running live with log output to stdout
#34 opened by brettnem - 0
- 5
Not working with mri-2.2.0dev
#31 opened by RoxasShadow - 1
tail: bar.log: No such file or directory and
#30 opened by JeanOsorio - 1
Error on access enviroment
#29 opened by jhonathas - 1
Configuration file format
#28 opened by solon - 0
Fork bomb
#26 opened by pyromaniac - 2
incompatible with padrino 0.10.7
#23 opened by rafal-brize - 2
problem with capistrano
#18 opened by francescoagati - 1
- 2
Truncating logfile is difficult
#16 opened by niko - 1
list command is broken
#15 opened by yury - 1
- 1
every block required in version 0.3.0.d
#10 opened by jvanderhoof - 5
Can't run a single script (YAML error)
#9 opened by maioral - 2
- 2
The latest gem has no files in it
#7 opened by philc - 8
pid-file is not removed when stopping
#5 opened by niko - 4
undefined method sync
#3 opened by danielb2 - 2
duplicate code in base.rb
#6 opened by luislavena - 1
no pid-file created
#4 opened by niko - 0
Test growl watcher
#1 opened by DAddYE