
DBC Boots Webpage

Primary LanguageHTML


DBC Boots Web Page, hosted on dbc-boots.github.io.

A hosted site where the Wiki lives.

Powered by Jekyll


Want to contribute? Sign up to join our repository here.

  • Or open an issue
  • Or send us a pull request
  • Or contribute to the wiki

Local Set-up

You must clone the repo recursively or else the the rake wiki command won't work. The other way to do it if you didn't clone recursively is to pull in the wiki submodule.

$ git clone git@github.com:DBC-Boots/DBC-Boots.github.io.git --recursive
$ jekyll serve
# => Now browse to http://localhost:4000

Utilizing WikiToJekyll as a way to update website via Github wiki

Sync Wiki

Run the following command:

rake wiki

This will do the following:

  • sync your wiki pages
  • transform them to markdown pages with yaml front matter
  • launch a Jekyll build
  • convert wiki links to Jekyll links
  • optionally commit and push you code to you Jekyll repository

Known Issues with Sync

  • Won't be able to use Github's flavored markdown of relative files shorthand, e.g. [[Home]]
  • Won't be able to use named linked if you want to focus on section. That's a link with a hashtag to that section. Affects some of the guide pages.