Solutions to the exercises given at the Object Oriented Programming course at the Balseiro Institute (2018)
Final Score: 10 out of 10.
- Types and Declarations
- Pointers, Arrays, and References
- Structures, Unions, and Enumerations
- Statements
- Expressions
- Select Operations
- Functions
- Exception Handling
- Namespaces
- Source Files and Programs
- Classes
- Construction, Cleanup, Copy, and Move
- Overloading
- Special Operators
- Derived Classes
- Class Hierarchies
- Run-Time Type Information
- Templates
- Generic Programming
- Specialization
- Instantiation
- Templates and Hierarchies
- Metaprogramming
- A Matrix Design
- Standard Library Summary
- STL Containers
- STL Algorithms
- STL Iterators
- Memory and Resources
- Utilities
- Strings
- Regular Expressions
- I/O Streams
- Locales
- Numerics
- Concurrency
- Threads and Tasks
- The C Standard Library
- Compatibility