Primary LanguageVueApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

QEVIS: Query Execution VISualization

QEVIS is a visual analytics system, which supports the visual exploration of query execution at multiple levels of granularity in Apache Hive.

This repository contains the source code of a demo system for QEVIS, which includes a frontend, a backend and code for processing log data of Hive.

Repository Structure

  • backend: a backend server for visual analysis system using Java
  • data_process: Python scripts to collect and clean data fetched from Hive
  • frontend: a web-based interface implemented by Vue.js


To run this demo system with provided data, you need:

  • Java 1.8 envornment with maven
  • Python 3.7
  • Node.js 16
  • MySQL 5.7

Step 1: Prepare data

Due to the size limit, in this repository we only provide 10 representative sample data from the real employment environment.

Data is zipped and locates at <project_root>/data_process/zipped_data. Unzip all data by executing commands

chmod 777 ./unzip_data.sh

Then you will get a new folder data which contains 10 folders. Each folder contains:

  • A log file collected from Hive application execution
  • An input SQL text
  • A physical execution plan for input SQL
  • A folder that contains all monitoring data for each mechine
  • A json file that contains execution infomation

These data can be fetched directly from Hive system or collected via the scripts we provided.

Step 2: Pre-process

Then you can pre-process these data via Python scripts located in data_process.

cd <project_root>/data-process
# You can use a virtual environment here. Python version is 3.7. 
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Check Python command
python3.7 --version
# Run process script
chmod 777 ./process.sh
./process.sh ./data

You will see process done on the screen when it finishes.

Step 3: Enviornment setup

This demo system has a backend with SpringBoot and a frontend with Vue.js.

To setup the enviornment of backend:

cd <project_root>/backend
mvn clean package       # this commond will download maven packages from the internet
# then a jar will be created in the target folder

To setup the enviornment of frontend:

cd <project_root>/frontend
# Node.js 16 is required
npm install         # this commond will download npm packages from the internet

Notice that Node.js 16 is required to run the frontend server.

Step 4: Load data to database

This demo system uses MySQL 5.7 for data storage. Enter your MySQL and execute these commands:

-- Create database and user
create database if not exists qevis_db;
create user 'qevis_user'@'%' identified by 'qevis_pwd';
grant all privileges on qevis_db.* to 'qevis_user'@'%';
flush privileges;
-- Switch user and database, then create tables use DDL file
soruce <project_root>/backend/database/qevis_ddl.sql;
show tables;

Last command should print:

| Tables_in_qevis_db |
| application        |
| counter            |
| diagnose           |
| event              |
| map_transfer       |
| record             |
| task               |
| test_table         |
| transfer           |
| vertex             |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Then modify the settings of Java backend for connecting to MySQL.

# <project_root>/src/main/resources/application.yml
# You need to replace the placeholder `<your_ip>` and `<your_port>` (3306 by default).
url: jdbc:mysql://<your_ip>:<your_port>/qevis_db?serverTimezone=UTC&rewriteBatchedStatements=true
username: qevis_user
password: qevis_pwd
// <project_root>/src/test/java/com/dbgroup/qevis/Loader.java
// You need to replace the placeholder `<project_root>`.
public static final String DATA_PATH = "<project_root>/data_process/data";

Now you can load the data into database. Run these commands:

cd <project_root>/backend
mvn clean package test -Dtest="Loader#mainLoader"

You will see the output:

Load application 0_Query49 OK
Load diagnose 4_Query54 OK
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 246.596 sec

Step 5: Launch application

Frontend server needs to know the IP of backend. Modify the file:

// <project_root>/frontend/src/service/dataService2.js
// You need to replace the placeholder <your_ip>
const dataServerUrl = "http://<your_ip>:12000";

Backend server doesn't need other settings, and a jar has already created in step 3.

Now you can launch QEVIS demo system via following commands in two shells:

cd <project_root>/backend
java -jar ./target/qevis-java-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
cd <project_root>/frontend
npm run serve

You can also choose to run them as background processes.

Then if both backend and frontend launch successfully, visit http://<your_ip>:12000 and you will see the interface.