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A module for helping with some of the heavy lifting when adding data into MISP. These classes and functions provide a uniform way to create objects in a MISP event, thus allowing better analysis inside MISP. By default it will deduplicate objects and relationships created so that the same object will NOT be created more than once in a given MISP event. The uniqueness of the object are based on the supplied required parameters of each object.

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Pull requests are welcome.

MISPHelper (misphelper.py)

The primary interface is the MISPHelper class. This class encapsulates connecting to and interacting with the MISP instance via pymisp. The class takes a misp_url and misp_api_key as keyword parameters, but these can also be specified via environment variables MISP_URL and MISP_API_KEY respectively.

Most of the functions in the MISPHelper class however are NOT instance methods, but static class methods. See the examples folder for examples.

Generated (generated.py)

These are a automatically generated functions for the creation of all available MISP Objects based on the misp-object repo definitions.

Vendor (vendor)

These are vendor specific functions for turning a vendor log item into a set of MISP objects in a MISP Event.

AWS (aws.py)

Functions for turning various AWS Logs into MISP Objects/Events. Currently supported/implemented:

  • from_load_balancer - for loading AWS LoadBlancer logs (must be parsed)
  • from_vpc - for loading AWS VPC logs
  • from_waf - for loading AWS WAFv2 logs
  • from_cloudtrail - for loading AWS CloudTrail logs
  • from_orgconfig - for loading AWS OrgConfig logs
  • from_ssm - for loading AWS SSM Logs

GOOGLE (google.py)

Functions for turning various Google Logs (GSuite specifically) into MISP Objects/Events.

OKTA (okta.py)

Functions for turning Okta logs into MISP Objects/Events.

SLACK (slack.py)

Functions for turning Slack audit logs into MISP Objects/Events.