An Erlang/OTP Betfair Client
$ make
{credentials, [
{username, "username"},
{password, "password"}
{app_key, "app_key"},
{ssl, [
{certfile, "/path/to/client-2048.crt"},
{keyfile, "/path/to/client-2048.key"},
{password, "password"}
{max_connections, 10},
{num_connections, 2},
{num_procs, 10},
{keep_alive, 1},
{identity_endpoint, ""},
{exchange_endpoint, ""}
$ ./
Start a session.
{ok, Token} = betfair:new_session().
Get a list of event types.
{ok, Result} = betfair:request(list_event_types, Token, []).
With that you can then request events of a chosens type(s).
{ok, Result} = betfair:request(list_events, Token, [{filter, [{event_type_ids, [7]}]}]).
Then the market catalogue of that event.
{ok, Result} = betfair:request(list_market_catalogue, Token, [{filter, [{event_ids, [27652586]}]}, {max_results, 200}, {market_projection, [<<"COMPETITION">>, <<"EVENT">>, <<"EVENT_TYPE">>, <<"RUNNER_DESCRIPTION">>, <<"RUNNER_METADATA">>, <<"MARKET_START_TIME">>]}]).
Finally, subscribe to regular price updates for a chosen market.
{ok, Pid} = betfair:subscribe(Market, Token),