React Code Style Guide

Our React projects' best practices


This is meant to be a guide to help developers understand the React code style and best practices we adopt here at Melon.


The rules described in this repository are also GOING TO BE available as a NPM package. NPM PACKAGE LINK AND GUIDE HERE

Table of contents

Component definition

All components (presentation, containers or pages) should always be defined as a directory, named with pascal casing. The main component file should be index.js, main stylesheet style.css. Constants that are to be used such as switch types in reducer functions, url endpoints etc, should be separated in a file of their own, usually simply named constants.js. Reusable types should be separated in a file of their own, usually simply named types.js. Reusable functions and helper functions used only locally in this in should be separated in a file of their own, usually named utils.js. All fetch requests made to an external API should be separated in a file of their own, usually simply named fetch.js. :

├── properties.css
   ├── components/
   ├── RootComponent.jsx
   ├── AnotherComponent.jsx
   ├── YetAnotherComponent.jsx
   ├── constants.js
   ├── fetch.js
   ├── types.js
   ├── utils.js
   ├── index.js
   └── style.css
  • Styles should always be defined in a separate CSS file
  • Avoid prefixing or suffixing component names
    • E.g.: lib/pages/UserPage or lib/container/UserContainer
  • On conflict rename on import time
    • import UserContainer from '...'
    • import { User as UserContainer } from '...'

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Project organization

Your project components should be separated in such a way that :

└── src/
   ├── lib/
   ├── PageOne/
   ├── PageTwo/
   └── index.js

Each of these directorie:


Stateless components. Shouldn't store state. Most components in this directory will be function-based components. Stuff like buttons, inputs, labels and all presentational components goes here. This components can also accept functions as props and dispatch events, but no state should be held inside.


Page components can store state, receive route parameters and dispatch Redux actions when applicable. Pages are the highest level of application's components. They represent the application routes and most times are displayed by a router. Pages are also responsible for handling container components callbacks and flowing data into children containers.

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Code standards

Destruct your props

More than 2 props from an object been used in the same place should be destructed

Code style

Line length should not exceed 80 characters.

Use explanatory variables


const onlyNumbersRegex = /^\d+$/
const validateNumber = message => value => !onlyNumbersRegex.test(value) && message

validateNumber('error message')(1)


const onlyNumbersRegex = /^\d+$/
const getNumberValidation = message => value => !onlyNumbersRegex.test(value) && message

const isNumber = getNumberValidation('error message')


Use searchable names


setTimeout(doSomething, 86400000)


const DAY_IN_MILLISECONDS = 86400000

setTimeout(doSomething, DAY_IN_MILLISECONDS)


Test files must start with the class which will be tested followed by .test.

Class and components folders names must start with capital letter.

React peculiarities

Never "promisify" the setState

It's a small anti-pattern which can cause some problems in the component lifecicle. You can found more arguments about this in this issue


Why? Mixins introduce implicit dependencies, cause name clashes, and cause snowballing complexity. Most use cases for mixins can be accomplished in better ways via components, higher-order components, or utility modules.


One line props when are more than 2 or big props


<button type="submit" disabled onClick={() => null} className="aLongSpecificClassName">
  Click here

<button type="submit" className="aLongSpecificClassName">
  Click here

<button className="aLongSpecificClassName">Click here</button>


  onClick={() => null}
  Click here

One line component


<div className="example"><span class="highlight">Bad</span> example</div>


<div className="example">
  <span className="highlight">Bad</span>

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