
CLS Seminars Hackathon.

Primary LanguagePython


General Rules:

You have untill 17:30 to work on your model in your team break-out room, at 17:30 everybody comes back to the main Zoom and we start presenting the results. Every team only has about 2 minutes to show interesting results and things they did, so use your time wisely! Try to put an emphasis on visualisation of your results, as this is the quickest way to get information across.

Lera and Jozsef will hang out in the main Zoom call, to answer your questions. During work, you can leave the main call and work with your teammates in your break-out rooms. For the coding and modelling, you are free to use any programming language, toolkit and visualization tool (as long as it's your own work). For the presentation part, all visualization forms are allowed if you can share it with the audience. Lera and Jozsef will judge your work and presentation and award prizes for the winners.

If you have questions at any point, join the main Zoom call and ask. Happy modelling!